Hubby and I randomly chose a film to watch on Netflix a few nights back called The Scapegoat. (2012 Version)
Set in 1952, it's a story of doppelgangers (played by the wonderful Matthew Rhys) who swap places, an ex school teacher and a wealthy businessman. Around 40 minutes into the movie, it turns out the wealthy man owns Century Glassworks, in England.
Searching the board for The Scapegoat, I came across one post mentioning the original movie made in 1959 starring Alec Guiness and Bette Davis, and also briefly featuring Whitefrairs Gaffer Ray Annenberg, how interesting! Both films are adaptations of a book by Daphne Du Maurier, but the 1959 film seems to be set in France with the Glassworks being French as per the book.
Anyway I thoroughly enjoyed the film and would recommend it, look out for a few glass dumps a couple of furnace shots, and a large gated entrance to the factory with Century Glassworks emblazoned along the top of the gates.