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blue bowl ID : Cambridge Azurite + discussion

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Darlene (visit her Ruby Lane shop at managed to sort out my initial confusion by answering  as follows:  "Northwood did make this color without iridescence.  Cambridge also did this color (some of the pieces in the early "Cambridge in Color" book are actually Northwood.  Northwood was not consistent in marking their pieces. In stretch glass it is actually more common to find their pieces unmarked"
Faced with a choice between Northwood Blue Jade or Cambridge Azurite I couldn't say what I prefer - it is six and half a dozen to me...

Glen Thistlewood just emailed me about this train of disucssion since iridescent stretch glass was being mentioned.  I've looked at the bowl and it certainly looks like one of the Cambridge Azurite pieces.  My wife (Renee) and I specialize in collecting the Northwood "Jade Blue" (their name for the iridized opaque blue "Rainbow Line" (their name for their iridescent stretch glass) and we get folks posting the Northwood pieces claiming that they have found a "very rare" iridized version of the Cambridge Azurite!  LOL!  Just found one posted on eBay.  The Azurite can have some color swirls in it, but most pieces are a nice, clean blue color.  The Northwood Jade Blue can vary considerably, from a light, pale blue to a relatively dark blue and it often has swirls of color.  Hope this helps.

Dave Shetlar (the BugDoc), Stretch Glass Society, director of technical information.

Great, thank you so much for the answer. Now the only question is, what was American glass from the twenties doing in a local thrift shop in Holland? I guess that one will never be solved.


--- Quote from: "Ivo" ---Now the only question is, what was American glass from the twenties doing in a local thrift shop in Holland?
--- End quote ---

Oh I could write a small book on the odd places I have found glass. I've seen:
>> American Carnival from the early 19teens and twenties
>> English pressed glass from the same era and earlier
>> Modern American Carnival (esp. Indiana)
>> Sowerby's #2266 (Chunky)

in fleamarkets, and second-hand shops in France, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. I also have been told by "roving" friends that the same stuff from the same eras turns up in India.

And then I'm also aware of:
>> American Carnival from the early 19teens and twenties
>> Scandinavian, German and Czech Carnival from the 1920s and 1930s

being found in South America, Australia, Africa and more.

I could go on and on with all sorts of other examples. And the reasons for this movement of glass? Here's just a few suggestions.....

Trade at the time of manufacture - tons of glass was exported/imported
Movements of people (taking precious possessions with them)
Unwanted eBay purchases  :twisted:



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