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Author Topic: Mdina and the Boffos  (Read 49971 times)

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Offline chriscooper

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Re: Mdina and the Boffos
« Reply #40 on: November 20, 2014, 12:07:43 AM »
Thank you for the information on the amber dog.


Offline Maria Rosaria Attard

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Re: Mdina and the Boffos
« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2014, 05:33:46 PM »
Hi Mike,the factory where my father worked in Murano was different from the one in Naples.The one l remember and was the last is Vetreria Auriemma,the production he had for himself was on work for chandeliers,in the 1960 they seemed to be very fashionable,there were  some made up with leaves and flowers and also  arms in glass.I will have to look through some old papers l still have  and note books  of my father ,with notes of different recipes for glass, in case there maybe some names of factories.

Thank you for the Muranozoo site,had a glance and it is fascinating but l don't know any  of the names there.

                                             Best regards,Maria

Offline Maria Rosaria Attard

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Re: Mdina and the Boffos
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2014, 05:41:25 PM »

Hello Rosie,the swans are very different,Mdina and Whitefriars,l have a ruby one which Ettore made as soon as l can l will post a photo.Maybe that might help you,the Mdina's were much smaller infact l don't know if they still make.There were also green dogs like the one Chris has,so it could well be one of the MDG Hope this can help you

                                                                               Best regards,Maria.

Offline Baked_Beans

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Re: Mdina and the Boffos
« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2014, 01:11:30 AM »
Thanks Maria,

I shall do a bit of searching on the internet to see if I can find anything about Vetreria Auriemma . It will be great to see an Ettore swan !

Ta, Mike.

Offline WhatHo!

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Re: Mdina and the Boffos
« Reply #44 on: November 27, 2014, 07:54:35 AM »
I shall do a bit of searching on the internet to see if I can find anything about Vetreria Auriemma .

I have had a good look for the above but no luck, Vetreria means Glasshouse and Auriemma is a surname, thats about as much as I can find out.
Something you like, mail me! :)

Offline rosieposie

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Re: Mdina and the Boffos
« Reply #45 on: November 27, 2014, 10:11:35 AM »
Thank you for your reply Maria,  here is the green dog,  very similar to Chris's Amber one, but the label has long since been washed off.

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Offline rosieposie

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Re: Mdina and the Boffos
« Reply #46 on: November 27, 2014, 10:36:04 AM »
I thought you might like to see the rabbit I have with a label  Malta Craft Glass  (CGL)( I have two,  but only one has a label,  but they are virtually identical apart from minor differences with any hand made piece.)

Perhaps someone can confirm the maker?

When all's said and done, there's nothing left to say or do.  Roger McGough.

Offline Patrick

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Re: Mdina and the Boffos
« Reply #47 on: February 21, 2016, 06:10:13 PM »

I have just read in the Malta Times dated 20th June 1977 that Vincenzo Boffo along with three other Italian artists exhibited some of his glass at the Italian Cultural Institute, Valetta.

The exhibition ended on Saturday July 2nd.

I would have loved to have seen his work.  :)



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