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Author Topic: Signed small vase P????? Harris? ID = Pantano & Harris, Australia  (Read 10707 times)

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Offline chrisade

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Triangle shaped vase in splotchy blue. Quite busy on the base and clearly marked but I do not recognise the name. Thanks once again. Chris

Offline antiquerose123

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Re: And another one!
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2015, 06:13:56 AM »
Hi, could you make your pics bigger to see/read?  Thanks

From what I think I see (or not see...LOL) looks like the last name may be HARRIS...but not sure as pic is small.??
:fwr: Rose
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Offline chrisade

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Re: And another one!
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2015, 06:38:20 AM »
Hi Rose,

The picture is small so have enlarged it. I agree that the last part of the name looks like Harris but the rest!!!


Offline chrisade

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Re: And another one!
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2015, 10:55:23 PM »
Another shot!

Offline misha

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Re: And another one!
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2015, 06:52:09 PM »
Hi Chris,

Looks like the 1st name engraved is Pantano.

His signature and placement on pieces varied over the years.
I try to focus on his works now [not easy], contact by email if you are ever thinking of selling it please.
I have around 10 examples of his work to refer to, but not so easy to access currently. Album here is planned, after I'm better established.

For the site record here.... what's the size dimensions of that bottle?
Height and top flange diameter will be great as would approx hole size length of the base sides length.
And, looking down the throat of bottle, towards the top, does it have a matte appearance from grinding, maybe 5-10mm deep?

The second 'signature' would generally be a 'series' or 'theme' name, sometime Australia appears.
Going by the date/number sequence, it sort of pre-dates 'named' series works, so I'm not sure what it may say.  Looks like 'Harris', but Pantano is pretty clear to me.
Really not sure on that.

Number sequence - looks like TB 208 - 86
This is the number sequence Chris used.
TB - I'd hazard a guess is Triangle Bottle or maybe Base?
The - 86 is 1986.

I have a 'novel' black frosted vase with red applied 'handles' [not frosted] that only has a shallow signature on a rough ground base, I think it's a very early piece, maybe.
I have that era [1986] pieces that have a Chris Pantano siggie.
I have a small perfume bottle with a similar kinda blue spots, but with green spots on a pale green background, clear cased. Not sure of date.
I have pieces shallow and deep engraved siggie and number on base.
I have pieces that have siggie and number on side... one piece has an original black velvet base applied.
I have pieces that have the name Chris Pantano and Australia engraved. My 'Dreamtime' vase is like so and I've seen other pieces likewise engraved.

If I can get some out today, and light is OK, I'll maybe able to post image examples of siggie for you all.

So it goes.

Offline chrisade

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Re: And another one!
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2015, 09:56:27 PM »
Hi Misha

Thank you for your very extensive reply.

I thought the first part was Pantano but the second part Harris threw me off.

Dimensions: Height 10.75cms  Flange 4cms  Hole size approx. 1.3cms  Base sides length all around 6cms

I do have another piece of his but it is a little more grand - currently listed on a website I have

Thank you so much for all the information, I now know a lot more and appreciate the time you have taken.

Kind regards


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Re: And another one!
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2015, 09:57:43 PM »
Oh I forgot to add that there is no evidence of grinding, it appears smooth.



Offline ahremck

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Re: And another one!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2015, 11:58:17 PM »
Maybe a collaboration of Chris Pantano & Judy Harris?

I bamle all snileplg eorrrs on the Cpomuter Kyes.  They confuse my fingers !!!

Offline chrisade

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Re: And another one!
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2015, 05:13:43 AM »
Thanks Ross,

Could well be!


Offline misha

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Re: Signed small vase P????? Harris?
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2015, 12:45:23 PM »
Maybe a collaboration of Chris Pantano & Judy Harris?

Hi Ross,

I'm having trouble finding any Judy Harris works images to see any connection to this rather odd bottle.

1986  ???

Is there any chance it may have been another Harris?
I've found something of Jonathan Harris that at first glance looks like a Chris Pantano work.

 ^ Disclaimer: I dread finding myself on a site that wants me to sign up for facebook.
So it goes.


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