Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Poland

ID please dec?? fruit set part frosted and ribbed. ID = Stolle-Niemen, Poland


Hoping someone may recognise this fruit/dessert set. Pale blue frosted with clear ribbed paels on 3 feet.  Possibly Czech?
Any thoughts much appreciated John

It happenend like always: while browsing the catalogues for another pattern, I found your bowl:

Stolle-Niemen, Poland 1923 page 99 - bowl # 1760

This catalogue came with PK 2008-1-05 - unfortunately not online

Very nice bowl!  :)

Thank you Pamela, that's a great help.

Hi, 3x yes :)
J. Stole - Polish !
After the wars and change boundaries the plant is located in another country.
 Cataloque nomber - 1760 .
I think there were 3 sizes


unfortunately there is no online catalog of products from that time.
There are only fragments on the internet. Lucky who has it all on paper :)
This wonderful man writes about J. Stolle.
Thanks to it, we have access to information :)

Read about the history of this glass!

All the best :)


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