Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Belgium and the Netherlands Glass

Art cut amber to uranium lead crystal fruit bowl. ID = Val St Lambert

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Paul S.:
I'm dim on this type of thing, but to my eyes it lacks the quality and breadth of cutting style you'd expect from VSL  -  much of which has more of a deco or modernist cutting pattern, and not a simple naturalistic style like Christine's, which doesn't appear to be style of cutting from the '20's or '30's.                    I'd still plump for Czech., perhaps German.

If you look at examples of Novy Bor (Karel Wunsch) cut bowls in Mark Hill's book  -  which I know are different colours, lack Uranium and are abstract cutting styles  -  but there is some similarity of modern coloured casing/cut to clear, which made me think of Czech.             Could be well wrong of course.

It does rather lack the "monumental-ish-ness" of VSL coloured and cut stuff. (I have rung doorbells on some posh London street to get into the sort of shop which has them, doing my "tourist" act.)

I do have a fabulous coloured Karel Wunsch cut vase from '64 - the cutting is far less naturalistic and more geometric than your bowl, Christine.

The joys come from all the profiles made by the cuts in the colours, as you rotate it. It can start looking like Easter Island heads or even devils sometimes. :)

I imagine this is a keeper, Christine? It's absolutely glorious, whatever it is. The most important thing is, its yours. ;D

flying free:
Paul I agree.  I mention because the amber looks orange rather than amber and I found this

Also they did do cut to uranium ( though I've not found anything in this colour over uranium admittedly  :-[ )

And also, I've been searching cut overlay glass for glass with an 8 point star cut on it and seemed to recall that the only maker I'd come across (apart from Russian (possibly Baccarat though I thought)  and Boston and Sandwich (possibly) so far) that had a star, appeared to be VSL).   ;D

But I do agree.  It's not as contemporary looking really, but once you view it in the round it's quite spectacular with the cutting and colours.


flying free:
managed to find one amber over uranium VSL vase here - just for comparison

flying free:
see one above this in my post
and this one

and another where the comment is that the pink over uranium creates an orange effect

I know they are not identical but I think VSL worth investigating.


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