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Author Topic: Milk Glass/Pattern Glass Book 1 The Blown Molded Patterns by Brad Gougeon  (Read 6624 times)

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Milk Glass Pattern Glass, Book 1
The Blown Molded Patterns
Brad Gougeon

ISBN: 978-0-9835336-0-3
Self published
June 2011, 100 pp, paperback, $20.00

There exists a gap in the glass literature between the reference books for Early American Pattern Glass and those for opaque or milk glass.  Milk Glass Pattern Glass, Book 1 The Blown Molded Patterns by Brad Gougeon is a big first step in filling in the gap. The author has indicated that there are at least three more potential books, one of which on Atterbury and Challinor Taylor is already being researched.

This book covers blown molded patterns made in milk glass and other opaque and translucent colors. Some thirty eight (38) patterns are covered in the book.  The majority of patterns are from Northwood and Consolidated Lamp & Glass but other makers represented include Atterbury, Bonita, Buckeye, Challinor-Taylor, Fostoria, Dithridge, Libbey and West Virginia Glass Co.  Gougeon has incorporated a short summary of the salient points in the history or each company using trade quotes and previously documented information.

Some of the better known patterns discussed include Cosmos, Maize, Dithridge's Alba and Northwood's Netted Oak. However, there are many patterns that have little or no previous reference in the glass literature and in several cases, such as Venecia, Wild Iris and Buckeye's 545, the author presents documented evidence of the original manufacturer including catalog pages and advertisements – several in full colour.

You should buy this book…

•   If you are interested in milk glass table ware
•   If you are interested in blown mould pattern glass of the Victorian era
•   If you are a serious glass researcher

To obtain a copy, contact the author at: 
Brad Gougeon
2513 E Pineoak Ct.
Midland, MI 48642


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