Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Engraved crystal paperweight, double signed. ID = Rexxford Crystal, Bavaria

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I don't collect paperweights but this was twinkling at me in a Charity Shop!
When I got it home, I noticed that it was signed with two signatures.
It is 2.5" tall and 3" across the base.
The base is concave.
The sides are ribbed and there is a pretty flower engraved panel to the front.
Does anyone recognise the maker and the signatures please?

Some more pictures in case they help.  :)

flying free:
the second signature looks like J Wettinger.
The first 'signature' on the left looks to me like a number code.

See here for a goblet
Item 129 here

The first part of the signature seems to be some sort of numbering, the second part I read J.Wettinger.

On the website Die Glasstrasse (The Glass Route) I find Wettinger Glaskunst (Wettinger Art Glass) in Pleystein - which is situated at the Glasschleiferweg, a long distance walk related to historical glass cutting sites.

Now - your item doesn't look like 21st century to me at first sight - but there may be a family tradition of glass cutting for the Wettinger family.

flying free:
Rexxford Crystal appears to come up on my second link I gave


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