Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Trinket Sets

One thing leads to another.......

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After posting on the thread about the Sowerby "Sunray" set I thought I'd try to find a photo of it in pink, as I had claimed to have seen examples.

While searching I came across "Sowerby Dressing Table Sets".  They didn't have a picture of the Sunray set but have a green set with pots matching GTS "Mystery No. 4" with tray, pots, candlesticks and ring-holder.  Sorry I don't know how to do links [ * ] and as the page is marked with the copy-right symbol and "All rights reserved" am not sure whether I should add a picture here.

[ * ] Mod: URL made clickable - but cannot find target page for "Sowerby"

While checking #4 in the Mysteries section I noticed that the intro. page has an illustration of a previous Mysteries page.  It shows a candlestick with an oval base as Mystery No. 10.  In the current pages this has disappeared, no. 10 is now a different set.  Has the candlestick mystery now been solved?

Shown on page "Sowerby Glass Dressing Table Sets"

I'm pretty confident that is wrong. I think these are much more likely to be Czech and I'm not convinced the whole lot goes together

The search term "Sowerby Dressing Table Sets" on just gives me a duck with an Uh oh we can't find that page... in fact a search for Sowerby finds nothing too so I'm a bit stuck with that link.  :'(

However, looking at your image above, I can confirm that the pots are mystery set #4 and believed to be Czech but I'm not sure which maker as yet but there are strong hints that it is Stoelzl.

The tray is Stoelzl (Czech) - Pamela has one in her collection as a decanter set tray.

The ringholder has been looked at before and I am pretty sure it is Stoelzl too,48428.0.html

Candlesticks are mystery set #37 and are found in the same tortoiseshell glass as mystery #4 but as part of a different set design:

My gut feeling is that they are all Stoelzl but I haven't yet found proof to confirm this. The green "set" above would therefore appear to me to all be Stoelzl but made up of parts of 3 or 4 different sets.

Oh dear, not Sowerby, not even a set!  Sorry to have raised a red herring.

What happened to the candlestick previously listed as Mystery 10?


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