I recently bought a copy of Vallance, A. (1900)
The Decorative Art of Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart. which was in
The Easter Art Journal, a supplement of the Art Journal, published by J. S. Virtue & Co. [32 pp. + 4 pp. colour plates]. It covers a selection of Burne-Jones' pre-Raphaelite stained glass windows, which is why I bought it for the museum library. What gave me a mild shock was an order form attached to it for the book
The Work of E Burne-Jones, which was published by The Berlin Photographic Company. This book came in a special edition of 200 copies on handmade paper costing a mere £105 a copy

That must have been the annual salary of the average person in 1900. The ordinary edition of the book was just £52 10s.