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More pieces of Mystery set #037

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I have completed my mystery set #037 with a perfume atomiser... I  am convinced this set is by Hermanova I have a few other pieces in this pattern that are from the Hermanova catalogue

Fabulous! I agree Czech Stolzle Hermanova Hut.


--- Quote from: Simba on March 27, 2019, 12:58:07 AM ---I have completed my mystery set #037 with a perfume atomiser... I  am convinced this set is by Hermanova I have a few other pieces in this pattern that are from the Hermanova catalogue

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The atomiser is lovely, perhaps Anne would like to add this pic to Mystery 37 Gallery:

I am seeing a very similar perfume bottle on eBay but with different hardware and also this shape pot, listed separately but with the same seller as Moser, it could be a different bottle of course, quite hard to tell...

On browsing through Anne's website last night the pots and atomiser appear to be by Inwald !!


--- Quote from: Simba on November 12, 2020, 05:19:45 PM ---On browsing through Anne's website last night the pots and atomiser appear to be by Inwald !!

--- End quote ---

That's very interesting Simba, I think you could be right, it's certainly thrown a spanner in the works! Is there a connection between Inwald and Stolzle Hermanova?


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