Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Murano & Italy Glass
Large Church BAPTISMAL - Venini?
Hello and a Happy New Year to everyone!
Wondered if I could be helped with the attribution of this piece?
It was sold to me as a "Baptismal" from a church, circa 1930's. I asked if I could have anything in writting about where the piece came from, but the seller only said she got it from her grandmother as a gift.
It is really Huge! as you can see.
Both pieces have metal parts so it can be mounted onto the wall. I have already sent the photos to the Venini website, but I havent received any responce from them. Wondered if I could be helped here.
Can someone also tell me if it is rare to find such a piece, or if Venini or Barovier did 1 of a kind pieces, specifically for Churches? I know I have seen fountians before, but nothing like this.
Thanks again!
I think the appropriate term for the item is a lavabo. Lavabo refers to both the wall mounted font and basin and the ritual hand washing at Mass.
Oh, didnt know that. Thanks!
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