Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass

Is this a John Walsh Walsh bowl?

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David E:
I remember Bernard in one topic describing how it took him days before he eventually spotted one mark, which is why I mentioned it.

John/Mary: if you edit the title to include the words 'John Walsh Walsh' this should make Bernard's ears prick up :lol:

Thanks all.

Have now had a quick look at some links on the internet and it does look right for the JWW Pompeian.

Also had another good look for a mark, and found one! It definitely has the word England etched with another over it which could well be Walsh. Mary thought I was mad when I said I'd found a mark and spent about 5 minutes trying to find it, which she did eventually!

Is it collectable and/or valuable?

Also, will change the title as suggested!

Very many thanks, John.

PS going to watch the Grand Prix now, so may not be back for an hour or two!

David E:
Pompeian is generally very collectable.

--- Quote ---PS going to watch the Grand Prix now, so may not be back for an hour or two!
--- End quote ---

Me too! ta ta

Bernard C:
Yes, it's a classic Walsh Pompeian floating bowl, pattern No. A4950 if it is unfooted, quite a late design in the Pompeian range.   Well done finding the mark.   Note that with the mark it was unlikely to have been sold through the Birmingham wholesaler Hill Ouston.

I think that I have another example in blue in my stock boxes packed in the car for the Woking fair tomorrow.

Bernard C.  8)

Thank you very much for the information and confirmation Bernard. Not quite sure about the 'unfooted' bit ~ it's not a separate foot, but the bottom is formed into a wide foot, as I've tried to show in the picture below.
Also, could you give me an idea of value (without compromising yourself for tomorrow!) ~ I'm thinking of listing it on eBay, but I'm not sure if it's worth doing.
Thanks again to all, John.


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