Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Trinket Sets

GTS Mystery Set # 145.

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There is a butter dish No. 18610 on P.3 of Marcus Newhall's Hermanova Pre 1958 CD. It is oblong rather than round but has the same finial and lid design to the pots of Mystery #145. Coming back to a previous post the tray shown in #145 doesn't match the other parts but does match the pots and ring holder in Mystery #47. Could it be there was a "mix and match" system at the time.

Hi NevB, the pots to Mystery Trinket Set #145 do have a comparable starburst in their base to the tray. Although a rounded shape starburst and not elongated per the tray, I still find they appear to be a match.

For several years I have noticed the asymmetric stepped finial of the Stolzle Hermanova Hut Butter Dish #18610 in Marcus Newhall's CD, matches the finials of Mystery Trinket Set #145. I have also seen photos of a Jam Pot and Honey Dish with the same finial and the honey has the same starburst in the base as the #145 trinket pots.

Hopefully it's okay to attach the image #18610.

Hello again Jayne, if you look in the Glass section I've posted a Hermanova lidded dish of the same pattern. I'm sure it's a match to Mystery 145 which I hope can now be attributed to Hermanova.

hello again Jayne, I meant to add that the tray in Mystery 145 has the same central pattern but the rim is actually a zig zag pattern and not a curved/scalloped? one. Although not obvious the pots in Mystery 47 also have the zig zag rim like the ring holder.


--- Quote from: NevB on July 08, 2020, 05:11:55 PM ---Hello again Jayne, if you look in the Glass section I've posted a Hermanova lidded dish of the same pattern. I'm sure it's a match to Mystery 145 which I hope can now be attributed to Hermanova.

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Hi NevB, yes I've found the thread, here is the link,,69715.0.html

Your lidded dish is certainly a match to the finial and starburst in the base of Mystery Trinket Set #145, also butter dishes were originally round to match the butter pat shape and later changed to rectangles as butter started to be manufactured in the rectangle shape, so both your dish and the #18610 image above could be butter dishes.

--- Quote from: NevB on July 08, 2020, 05:22:40 PM ---hello again Jayne, I meant to add that the tray in Mystery 145 has the same central pattern but the rim is actually a zig zag pattern and not a curved/scalloped? one. Although not obvious the pots in Mystery 47 also have the zig zag rim like the ring holder.

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I'm not quite sure what you are suggesting here, trays from Mystery Trinket Sets #145 and #47 both have the same shaped edge, they are the exact same size and shape overall, I just went to double check on my own pieces, the only difference is the base pattern. The pots and ring holders differ in each set as you say. If you mean both sets are likely by the same maker I'd be inclined to agree.

Also there is a honey dish here Stolzle Pattern #18750 which I believe matches Mystery Trinket Set #47,48082.0.html


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