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Death of a BIG piece of SvDa

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Been in for my second hip replacement and my ex kindly stayed to look after the dog and my place.
She said she noticed that the bottom of this piece was fairly dirty and so decided to clean it with white vinegar and whatever that stuff that makes it bubble up, grabbed the kettle and put some water from the tap in and poured it in and the whole thing exploded into a thousand pieces. Turned out the water was over 50c.
One of the thousand things that threaten our glass collections.

I find it helps to consider the law of averages, and that given we handle a lot of glass and have a lot of it around, the odd disaster is going to happen. It's inevitable.
Disasters can happen, any time, anywhere. Be thankful for the time you had with it and enjoyed it, then put it behind you.
Thanks for sharing, to remind us all to be very careful about sudden temperature changes and the dangers of hot water.
I am sorry for your loss.
I hope the new hip makes a wonderful change for the better. At least the nerve-wracking and horrible hospital bits are over and done now.

Hi Sue, Funnily I had been thinking of selling it over the last year. I am looking to focus my collection down to Archimede Seguso for major bits and have the trinket sets/perfume sets for the bits I just love the look of.

The second hip is not doing what it should. The first one was easy as, this one more of an issue. Not a major thing atm as I can't go diving in the tropics so I may as well get over this op.

Doing lots of looking at glass but not a lot of good glass out there.

P.S. sold my house and building a new one in the Southern Highlands 70k's south of Sydney. Plenty happening and not upset by the error.

I'm pleased to hear you can be philosophical about the loss. Getting upset doesn't help anybody. Your ex was trying to be kind and helpful.
But very sorry to hear the second hip is not behaving as it should, while also pleased to hear you've got plenty to keep you occupied - building a new house is no small project.

Hi Sue, Getting focused on A.S. and have been over the last 3 months. Looking to upgrade some of my glass with some of the more expensive and therefore rarer pieces. So far no joy as I will buy and then decide what to cut.

I suspect I have the largest collection of Archimede Seguso certainly in Australia and maybe the southern hemisphere. There is a collector in Holland who has an amazing collection.

I wonder is there anyone here who collects him?


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