An absolutely massive help Tim. Thank you.
Are there any tiny cylindrical glasses without the engraved figures on? or are they all with the engraved figures.
It's a little confusing yes , but mine have no small x on them just signed ' of L.1088. AL (Al.?)' . I'm saying AL however... the L does not look like the Lindstrand L and on the others it actually looks like ' Al. ' Also they don't look as though the signature has been engraved by the same hand.
So I need to investigate other engravers other than Arne Lindahl. Possibly an Al (or AI but the I is just engraved as a straight line).
I think that answer my query over Arne Lindahl working there from 1938 so too late to have engraved the bowls I thought. But perhaps it might be that the 'signing person' signed 'Al.' with that straight line as an L?
I think the engraver initials are ' Al. ' . If indeed that refers to the engraver because
looking through this list there is no engraver with those initials although it could be an L I suppose for Lindahl but that would be too late for 1932 and 1936 Olympics