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Bowl name.

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It's the best way. Deciding you like it.
Sea and Sand was another fairly early name, but post-Harris. That is a band of Tiger around the middle of a piece which is all bubbly yellow.
I'm digging around looking for a seaweedy bit to show you. (note the lack of capital first letter, to indicate it is no kind of official name)

And how could I have forgotten the early range that ended up being called Rosenthal?
It was designed by Harris for the company of that name, but for some reason never got put into full production.

ETA. Found a good thread to illustrate seaweed. :),57727.0.html

The correct name for Crystal Blue Stripe is actually Crysal (= crizzle) Blue Stripe

Right.  :)
That's the new, new name. The current incarnation.
Designed for twit-speak? ;D

Apologies for some early names of shapes I forgot about at the time.  :-[

Chinese bowls. Verdala bowls. Japanese globes. Chalices. Lollipops. Side stripes. Side stripe Lollipops.
I am unsure if Chimney vase is an official name or not.


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