Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Trinket Sets

Reich 9046 non uranium bright green


Just purchased a green 9046 to replace a couple of missing(broken in shipping)peices. I noticed that the whole set was a completely different colour. At first I thought it might be uranium, but I checked it and it's not. Just a weird bright green. Was this a stock colour or just too much eye of newt in the colouring formula? Did the clear version of this set ever come in Uranium green? Not that it means anything, but I've never seen it.

Glass Trinket Sets gives one of the colours as "bright green", I've seen a few Reich pieces in the darker green and none of them were uranium.

It literally says " ..bright green... " ... how did I miss that!?  Thanks Nev. Problem solved.

Very nice colours! Lots of green examples on the GTS Czech Reich 9046 page:

Also in clear ( flint ), in case anyone was wondering ;) ( Anne, feel free to use these photos on the GTS if you like.


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