Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Paperweight identification help

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Hi everyone,
I have a paperweight that I would appreciate help with identifying. I have a vague idea that it's Scottish as the ground is that lovely soft blue-green. The profile is high and the pontil is broken off, not quite ground. The outer ring of 14 canes are complex in themselves and are in a deep pink, white and green. The inner - on a deep blue ground - are 15 white cogs surrounding a central part with many different canes, none of which seem to bear a signature or date. I am trying to attach photos!
Thank you for reading this.

A photo of the base and another showing the profile of the dome would be useful. Think you are on the right track with Scottish.


Thanks, John. Here are photos of the base and profile.

It does have an Ysart-ish look but I am no expert, a clearer photo of the canes in the centre would be also be helpful.

Here's the central section.


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