Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Trinket Sets

Blue Sunray "variant "


Bought this guy a few months ago  because it looked different from the typical Sunray trays that I've seen. This one has a scalloped edge, the colour is slightly bluer ( slightly) and there is no texture in the rays nor the ubiquitous makers number on it.  No other peices came with it, just a single tray. Any guesses as to origin? Or is this just some variant set that I've never seen before?

The images on Glass Trinket Sets do appear to show the two variants. Their Butterflies set is similar in that the pieces come in various   mixtures of clear and frosted glass.

I dont see that on the GTS, but if it's documented somewhere already then please disregard this post.

I thought the green one, bottom right, look to be completely clear but it might be the way it's photographed.


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