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Zig Zag Bowl

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How do I get the envelope under my name? It must be in profile?
The psychedelic piece im referring to, is the one shown here.,65084.10.html

I am the current cherisher of this piece, having bought it from bakedbeans a while ago.

And yes, whichever blue it is, I do adore my zigzag. So much so it makes me feel my small collection is complete. For me I couldn't find a nicer piece...

Until I do 🤣

Here's a couple of photos of the 2 together. This may be the part where I find out my vase isn't cobalt either 🤣. I  tried to get my broken trailed attenuated bottle in too, but couldn't get the framing right. I just find it astounding how quickly his skills progressed in such a short space of time. I love having the pieces on show together, its almost like a timeline, you can see the gradual development and refinement of the trailing.

 ;D 8) ;D
Psychadelic strapping.   ;D I assumed psychadelic colours.  :-[
Which would not really have been consistent with early work.
That is cobalt.  8) Even in that pic you can se the blues are different, your bowl teal, the tall pot is cobalt. (I think vase is too common a word for it. I call them pots, in recognition of Chinese paint pots.)
I see you have an envelope, Look out for a message from the board so we can get in email contact so I can send you the pics of the "hat". I couldn't work out what it was for ages. With the big band of thick glass under the rim, it reminded me of a hat. Perhaps when you get the pics, you might be able to resize them to put here?
It would be really appropriate to have that illustrated here, beside your completed Zig-zag in all its glory. I have never actually seen a bowl in reality.
There is a drawing of one in some official early blurb. :)

Even a damaged attenuated strapped bottle is worth having. You just have to consider the damage part of the history and that a damaged one is far better than none at all.
Michael Harris technical skills developed very rapidly indeed, he did have an innate talent for the work, but what I love most is that even in the wonkiest, crudest bits, the art shines out from within.

The art and ambition. It seems he was always pushing himself to the absolute limit of his ability, even/ often beyond it. Hence some pieces didn't come out 'perfect'. This makes them far more fascinating. Wabi sabi.
I'm glad you can tell the difference between my pot and bowl they still look the same to me 🤣.
I remember your comment about my broken bottle when I shared a picture on here- you said it was better to have a broken bottom half than the broken top half. I often think of that when I look at it. Still makes me chuckle.
I've resized your images and will include them here for comparison. The similarities are striking and the rims near identical. It's uncanny!

The rim of mine. Twins!

Oh and the final picture was an attempt to capture the uneven 'swirl' inside. Not sure I managed it.


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