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Author Topic: Paperweight faceted, rare cut, St Louis or Bohemia?! How old?  (Read 2091 times)

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Paperweight faceted, rare cut, St Louis or Bohemia?! How old?
« on: September 03, 2023, 05:23:28 PM »
Hi guys,

hope that somebody can help me with this special Paperweight. The only similar ones with a similar cut I found are St Louis...never had one like this, think it is rare...

Measurements are : Height 9,5cm, Width 8,5 cm, 952 Grams

Hope for help! :)



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Offline LesBeatiques

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Re: Paperweight faceted, rare cut, St Louis or Bohemia?! How old?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2023, 05:17:45 PM »
I believe that this is Czech.

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Re: Paperweight faceted, rare cut, St Louis or Bohemia?! How old?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2023, 05:31:17 PM »
Please...don't say "I believe".  ;) I asked for reliable informations. There is no Czech Paperweight with a cut like that. Or could you send me a picture of a similar czech one?

As I said, St. Louis is the only Manufacture, that shows similar cuts...

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Re: Paperweight faceted, rare cut, St Louis or Bohemia?! How old?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2023, 11:39:52 PM »
The truth of the matter is that this paperweight could have been made just about anywhere. It will be very difficult if not impossible to track down the specific maker of this paperweight. The best we can do is rule out makers and make an educated guess based on its specific characteristics.

Be careful with using Google searches, google lens, or using online databases like Worthpoint these are not vetted for accuracy and are usually riddled with inaccuracies. There are a handful of good publications that cover Bohemian and Czech paperweights. Time spent with any of these publications will show numerous examples of paperweights with broadly similar style faceting and decoration.

With that said I can say for 100% certainty that this is not Saint-Louis; nor French for that matter. Now that I have spent a little more time with your paperweight, I think that Caithness might be another good candidate. It has very little wear and it appears to be in great condition so it was probably made in the recent past. Caithness has done a numerous abstract style paperweights and they have also used similar faceting.

Best of luck,

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Offline Timo

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Re: Paperweight faceted, rare cut, St Louis or Bohemia?! How old?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2023, 06:42:24 AM »
Hey Eric,

thank you for your detailed answer and the time you spent with my Paperweight. I know it is quite difficult or nearly impossible to track down the specific maker...I also spent hours and hours with the research.

Normally I collect Murano Glass, Bohemian and also French Glass since 20 years (Vases, Ashtrays, Sculptures...) Also spent half of lifetime with research of Designers, Styles, auction catalogues and so on. I know there is so much inaccuracy on Etsy, Worthpoint and all over the internet.
There are big auction houses in Germany, like Quittenbaum in Munich, I bought auction catalogues  with results of the auctions and so on. And I found a few mistakes attributing the items to Designers. They are not all experts, that's for sure.  :)

Regarding my Paperweight it is clear, that it is made of high quality and nothing cheap. My first impression, as I saw the flower and the whole inside, this might be Bohemian. But I couldn't found any Czech Paperweight with a cut like this. Do you have any picture of one? I would be very pleased!  ;)

Caithness was not in my thought...wouldn't they have signed such a special, abstract Paperweight and give it a name?

And why are you certain, it could not be french/Saint Louis? There were times, they didn't sign their work...but for me, especially the glass speaks french language, it has such a clearness...

I hope my english is good enough, to understand, what I am trying to express!  :)

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it!

Greetings, Timo

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Re: Paperweight faceted, rare cut, St Louis or Bohemia?! How old?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2023, 07:30:26 AM »
I think you can rule out Caithness; nothing about it says Caithness to me. Studio production is another option of course

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