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Small Orrefors "insect" vase

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A couple of weeks ago I found this little vase decorated (a bit oddly) with different insects.
It's 80mm high and 72mm in diameter with a weight of 415g
I read the Signature at the base as Orrefors and there are also the letter "gb" on the side of the vase.

Love the insects but couldn't really find out a lot about it. Any ideas?

And here are some pictures of the various insects:

Hi, this doesn’t look like the usual engraving you see on Orrefors does it, although I don’t know much about Orrefors. Really like these insects though.

I wonder if the initials on the side might be GC for Gunnar Cyrén. The possible GC signature on yours looks similar to the G and C in his full signature here:

Here is his website:  Can’t see anything quite the same but the bike looks to be drawn in a similar style to your insects.

Alternatively, it could be an artist who used an Orrefors blank but with no official connection the the factory?

I will give my opinion, even though it is not much more than a hunch...

I agree that the signature says Orrefors, but it must be made by a "beginner": first a smallish o, then a gap, then cursive rref, then a bigger O, then rs. Could it (the signature) have been made by someone wanting to "make it better"? Sigfnatures normally are much better "flowing" and often include a model number and/or some kind of code.

The initials engraved on the body of the vase are inconsistent with the way Orrefors sign and I have never seen such a design in any of my catalogues. I therefore conclude that the engraving was done after market.


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