Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Caithness pyramid

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HI there, I have a Caithness pyramid 1998 and it has two cork feet on the bottom. Does anyone know if they are original and who designed them?
Regards, Sean.

Hello Sean and welcome to the board.  Pyramid is a range I think, by Caithness. If you have a look at Scotlandsglass here you can see them and perhaps find a match.

Hi Anne, thanks for the reply. I have looked at that page and can see the pyramid in question but it doesn't have much information bar the year made. I'm also not very good with computers so I may be missing something?.
Warm regards Sean

The page should have pictures but seems to be broken

Lustrousstone: ScotlandsGlass is not broken, but does have technical problems - it is slow and frequently times out ☹ …one just has to keep trying.

Seanynicks: What would you expect? The site includes images, to help you identify the item, includes information like the official name, year of first issue, whether a limited design, and the name of the designer … in the case of Pyramids Caithness didn't list an individual, just the "Design Studio". will go directly to one of several colour variations (unless the server decides to time out).


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