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Author Topic: A Little Local Difficulty (Sklo Union)  (Read 2213 times)

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A Little Local Difficulty (Sklo Union)
« on: September 20, 2006, 06:11:15 AM »
Please note:
Image 8:

Currently described as pattern 20047, by Vizner.
This vase has become the centre of current discussions between Vizner, and Vladislav Urban.
In the Warmus book, Vizner; Sklo/Glass 1951-2001, design drawings appear, showing this ostensibly as a Vizner design.

Urban claims this is pattern number 20048, designed by him as his graduation piece, from 1961/62. This claim is probably substantiated as the vase appeared in CGR 1963/08, attributed to Urban and with the 20048 pattern number.

I am leaving this as it stands for the moment, and once a resolution has been found, will correct this.

My own feeling is that it is 20048, and that the 20047 pattern number is probably that of the Vizner "Lens" vase shown as image 17.

Apologies for the temporary confusion.



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A Little Local Difficulty (Sklo Union)
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2006, 09:15:03 PM »
is this for
errors in print - errata?
Die Erfahrung lehrt, dass, wer auf irgendeinem Gebiet zu sammeln anfängt, eine Wandlung in seiner Seele anheben spürt. Er wird ein freudiger Mensch, den eine tiefere Teilnahme erfüllt, und ein offeneres Verständnis für die Dinge dieser Welt bewegt seine Seele.
Experience teaches that anyone who begins to collect in any field can feel a change in his soul. He becomes a joyful man filled with a deeper empathy, and a more open understanding moves his soul.
Alfred Lichtwark (1852-1914)


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A Little Local Difficulty (Sklo Union)
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2006, 10:20:59 PM »
IMHO, not yet.
True, Urban claims this as his work, and that appears to be borne out by the CGR reference.
What worries me, is that this design is claimed by Vizner, and a significant text, ie Warmus, and those drawings must have come from..... the artist/designers records????
Neither source (CGR and Warmus) is arguably faultless, so a patient approach is necessary.


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A Little Local Difficulty (Sklo Union)
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2006, 08:01:25 AM »
Ok, a resolution to this one.

Pattern numbers 20047 and 20048, are by Vizner and Urban respectively.
Ivo's image at figure 8, is clearly shown in illustration 13, of the Vodička article in CGR Vol 18, 1963-08, "Pressed Glass: A Supplement for the Modern Interior", and attributed there as Urban.

The confusion arguably lies with the plan drawing in Warmus, as that plan drawing could apply to either vase.

The significant difference between the two vases, is that the Vizner vase (h.190mm), has four oval lenses set at 90 degrees to each other and three horizontal rows. Urban's vase at 210mm, has the lenses off-set, (I hesitate to say tesselated as the shape of the lens is not conducive to that). Urban's vases has five lenses in one quadrant, four in the next, then five, then four.

It is merely a hypothesis, but as these vases are so similar, and date to the same year, that, on the basis of Vladislav Urban's statement his was a graduation piece, I think it possible that both students had been set a task to develop lens/optic vases as part of their final work. Whether they were set the drawing contained in Warmus, as part of the task, and to come up with different designs which matched the requirements, remains to be seen.

I hope this clarifies the issue.




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