Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Trinket Sets
Is this candlestick Bagley ?
A question for the Bagley experts. Is the candlestick on the right of the picture Bagley?
The candlestick on the left is from the 3008 trinket set. The one on the right is basically the same shape, but shorter. As far as I am aware Bagley did not make any glass in this opal blue colour with purple streaks.
Mod: Image gone, added back below
Bernard C:
Thanks for optimising your in-line image. A fraction over 10Kb is excellent, and I notice that its dimensions are well within the 450 x 300 pixel viewing limits of the smallest (640 x 480) screen viewers.
I have no doubt that it has occurred to you that 3008 was the only trinket set made in Crystopal, a pale green opal. Also you will probably recall our discovery on the old message board that the Bagley square 3123 fish plate was made from at least three different moulds, showing that Bagley replaced moulds from time to time, not always keeping to the exact pattern of the old ones. Compare also David Encill's ongoing research into the variety of moulds used to produce the Sowerby Butterfly candlesticks.
If you want to compare a Crystopal candlestick with yours, I have a complete Crystopal 3008 trinket set in stock, and you are welcome to bring yours over for comparison.
I wonder if anyone else has seen mystery objects that could be trials of a blue Crystopal?
Bernard C. 8)
Hi Bernard/Chris,
--- Quote ---Compare also David Encill's ongoing research into the variety of moulds used to produce the Sowerby Butterfly candlesticks.
--- End quote ---
Took a break from my Income Tax Return (yeah, last minute as usual...) and was rather surprised to see this. Didn't know I was researching this Bernard; have you got the right David :?:
Or maybe it's a request! :lol:
David E:
Damn, wasn't logged in.
Actually, I think you may be referring to the Sowerby Elephant dishes that was a much earlier topic I bought up - just three moulds that I can find, but various colours.
Anyway, I digress.
Angela B:
Hi folks,
Bagley made crystopal in green and in blue, but the blue is very rare. There are a few pieces in the Pontefract museum and the 2nd edition of Bagley Glass shows both the 2003 dresser set in blue crystopal and one of the ashtrays from the bridge set in blue crystopal. It looks nothing like Chris and Vals opaque blue candlestick with streaks, however. You can see the blue crystopal on the cover at
Maybe the streaky candlestick was experimental, or a mistake.
All the best
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