Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Poland
Hortensja, POLAND - a major discovery (Deco and Carnival)
I would say the yellowish green was from Poland, the Aussie ones are much more green
Cathy B:
Hi Anne, Christine's right, the colour in my pieces are different. The pattern is very, very close, but there are extremely subtle differences. I was able to get your picture to almost the same size as my bowl, and held the bowl over the pattern to see the differences. Probably the easiest to see is the two large leaves on the side - in the Australian version they are floating in the air without touching anything, whereas in your neighbour's bowl those leaves touch each other and the tree. There are other differences as well, but they're more subtle. Other differences I noted earlier, such as the stars being in different places, are not so pronounced.
Glen, about Inwald - I've found a reference to it being sold as Stephanie Crystal in Australia in a Tariff Board Hearing file. Frank has some pages of 'Stephanie Crystal' in a jeweller's catalogue from 1937. Wonder whether the same people imported 'Beverly'?
Hi Christine and Cathy, thanks for your thoughts. I'm intrigued by these as looking at all three there are definite differences, so taking liberties with Glen's and Cathy's images I've done a comparative view to show them side by side to make it easier to see who did what. Perhaps this points to three makers rather than two?
Edited to add: I have just counted the ribs on them, and Glen's has 14 and Cathy's and my neighbour's has 12. Hmmmm....
--- Quote from: Cathy B on August 08, 2008, 01:30:32 PM ---Glen, about Inwald - I've found a reference to it being sold as Stephanie Crystal in Australia in a Tariff Board Hearing file. Frank has some pages of 'Stephanie Crystal' in a jeweller's catalogue from 1937. Wonder whether the same people imported 'Beverly'?
--- End quote ---
Fascinating Cathy! Thank you for that information.
Not sure if the palm trees should be a split topic from Glen's Hortensja post but, I've found a palm trees pattern in a Czech Stolzle 1930's Catalogue.
Ashtray Page 4 Pattern 18366
Two Handled Bowl/Sugar Page 5 Pattern 18395
Trinket Tray Page 13 Pattern 18351
Bowls/Dishes/Plates Page 19 Pattern 18332a 18334a
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