Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Poland

Hortensja, POLAND - a major discovery (Deco and Carnival)

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Glen, this helps me to remind the STS catalogue of Zagreb!
Fascinating in every respect!

Tony H:
I have placed photos in my gallery album name Glass Poland enjoy

Tony H in NZ

Found a set on ebay, mind you it's an Australian set  :shock:  :lol:  :lol:
see here

Pamela - many thanks for your comment.  :D

Tony - the surrounding pattern on your pieces (Drinking and Warrior) matches exactly one in the Hortensja catalogue. Deep Vs with a triple leaf motif in the Vs. There are just two designs for the base shown in the catalogue - one is of a swan, the other is of two little people dressed exactly like your "Drinking" person.

I feel almost certain that yours are Hortensja - based on that matching surrounding design. There must have been many central patterns, but as we only have one catalogue, I expect we are missing many other designs.

I'll aim to add catalogue scans as soon as possible.

Super pieces, by the way.


Christine - yes, that's it! Great. Thank you.  :D



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