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Two More Pieces of Mdina(?), Unsigned

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I'd like to check whether or not these two pieces are Mdina. Both are Mdina colouring, but unsigned.

Firstly, this little sculpture:
It appears to be similar to those illustrated in Mark Hill's book, pages 34-35, although it sounds like one of the later ones (it's just 10.5cm high).
See also for a signed one.

Secondly, this textured vase, slightly lop-sided. The base is ground but not enough to remove the broken pontil mark.
It looks a similar shape to the mainly brown one illustrated on page 53 of Mark's book, but just c. 18.5cm high.

The blues in both are more 'turquoise' than the photos show.

Many thanks in advance,

David E:
I'd say yes for the first. The colouring, as you say, is very Mdina and I have one similar 'end-of-day' piece myself.

The second I'm unsure about, but Sue M should be able to confirm.

Thanks David,

The sculpture is more greeny turquoise than the photo suggests but still like Mdina.
My camera is useless when it comes to some blues :-\


I'd say yes to both of them but the second one is curious in being wonky and having the unfinished base - I wonder if it could have been a second?  Anyway, as David says hopefully the Mdina maestro Sue will take a peek.

I suspect the reason why the base on the second one isn't ground down any more is because there wasn't enough of the clear casing to do so. Mark Hill does say that not all Mdina was signed, especially the earlier pieces but I don't know if that applies throughout the 1970s (he dates the similar brown vase I mentioned to the 70s but post Michael Harris). Stange about the slightly 'boomerang' shape though.



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