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Finally ...
Here on page 54 of The Architect 1874 a full description of what J.  Defries supplied for St Petersburg - which appears to be the decoration of crystal illuminations of many buildings!!

(see bottom of left hand column titles Illuminations St Petersburg)

Letter in Sydney archives dated 10th May 1893 from J. Defries & Sons requesting offering their services for decorations for the approaching marriage of H.R.H The Duke of York, heir presumptive.
Letter states that they had been honoured 'with the chief contracts in England and the Colonies on occasion of this kind from the coronation of Her Majesty, the Empress Queen, up to the Jubilee of 1887 and the present time'.

Author refers to their 'system of Cut Crystal Illumination and general Decorative work'

It also says ' we have been for many years sole contractors to the British Government for all this class of work'.

2) In addition:

An advertisement from 1874 stating they supply ' crystal illuminations to any device, sign or drawing'

3) Another advertisement from 1876 stating that they'd made displays in India, Sri Lanka, Gibraltar etc and that they were enlarging the display department:

4) Mention here from 1867 of a 'patent lamp for mineral oil'

5) Page 43 here from 1878 Kelly's handbook

- crystal illuminations for 'mansions, castles, buildings of every description ...' and stating ' By Appointment to HM The Queen'
Information here about Weston's Music Hall opened in 1857.  There is a long description of it here along with mention of the Chandeliers supplied by Defries:
Part quote

'...The hall is lighted with five magnificent glass chandeliers, furnished by Messrs. Defries, the well known firm of Houndsditch. The central one weighs nearly one ton, and is eleven feet in diameter. Messrs. Patrick and Sons, of Westminster Road, were the general contractors for the work, which, we are bound to say, has been brought to so successful a termination.'
If Defries weren't using chandelier parts made by their own company, it might also be possible they perhaps used parts from Pellatt's?  Another line of investigation perhaps?  Pellatt's Falcon Glassworks were based in a similar area south of the now Tate I think or around that area.

I'm interested because it's fascinating glass of course,  but also because I recently discovered my great grandfather and grandfather were Deptford born.  Great Great Grandfather worked in Southwark and my great grandfather would have been around there as a kid when these light displays were being used :)

Glass / Re: Request for Information on Purple Bagley Glass Set – Rd No 849177
« Last post by Anne on January 24, 2025, 11:51:47 AM »
Hello Lisa, and welcome to the board.  Bagley is quite well documented, see the books Bagley Glass (now in its 4th edition), and A Treasury of Bagley Glass both by this board's owner, Angela Bowey. The RD number you have given above isn't listed as a Bagley registration number, nor does it appear in the list of RD's in the National Archives, but the above book provides the answer that "Some Carnival pattern items have the wrong registration number moulded onto the glass." The correct number for these pieces is 849118. Carnival is the name of the set you have, which also goes under the pattern number 3141, and yours is a fruit set, made in all Bagley colours from 1946 until 1975. Amethyst is mentioned in the 1964 price list, so I'd suspect your set dates from between then and the end of production in 1975. There is a wide range of items in the Carnival pattern. I think the colour of yours is what Bagley called amethyst, and it is (again according to the above mentioned book) the least commonly found of the Bagley colours.  Re value, that's something we don't offer here, as it depends on who wants what you're selling and on what platform, it's very subjective and we aren't appraisers. I hope this helps.

It would also be helpful if you could provide a photo (close up and in focus) of the RD number on one of yourpieces, for reference on the board please. You also need to make your images much larger, around 700 pixels along the longer side is good, the board will create a smaller thumbnail for you once you upload them. If you have an issue resizing images to fit the board's limits see our Help post re images here,34093.0.html
They are the same as my chandelier buttons and attach in exactly the same way holes either side.  My chandelier buttons have a little metal hooked and tip wire, a bit fiddly to attach the little metal hooks but not that difficult. I'm assuming they aren't huge as each button of mine are about 2cm diameter I think (from memory, haven't stood on a chair to measure them). They are attached together in long rows dropping down from a circlet which are all then draped onto a bottom central circle plate with holes in to attach the little metal hook.
Also old, I think dating to mid (maybe?) to late 1800s. Maybe even into early 1900s

So I do believe yours are from a chandelier button/droplet maker.

Preciosa may be able to put you onto a crystal maker who might have been in operation during the 1800s maybe. 

I used old original buttons on sale on ebay for my tiny replacements.  Chandelier drops are often on sale in big quantities on ebay. Obviously I'm  assuming your buttons are chandelier sized rather than gigantic :)
Oh and I clean mine with a microfibre cloth with a teeny bit of fairy liquid on it wiped over whilst supporting them with my hand. Then rinse them with clean microfibre cloth just wrung out in warm water.  Not sure this is the conservation method of the National Trust  ;D but it works for me.

Glass / Re: Uranium Bowl Murano or Skrdlovice?
« Last post by NevB on January 23, 2025, 12:48:21 PM »
Hello kwqd, I did look at Chribska but the shape and colour don't seem to match. I'm trying to register on the czechglassguide website as they have all the old Skrdlovice catalogues. Meanwhile I found these few pages which show some similar pieces by Jan Kotik and Jan Broz.
British & Irish Glass / Re: Crystal & Oil Illuminations / J Defries & Pains Fireworks
« Last post by Ekimp on January 23, 2025, 12:23:36 PM »
The wire holding all the crystals on is galvanised steel but very thin and the galvanising has worn away and some of the wire is disintegrating (due to damp) so some of the fixing wire is going to need replacing. Everything is mounted on a thick steel wire galvanised frame which is also rusting in places so we are going to have to take off crystals to treat the rust, push out some dents to the wire frame and replace the crystals (probably with brass wire this time).

Hi, that’s quite a project. The way the beads are attached with twisted wire looks quite neat. If you are not aware, you can get special pliers to twist the wires together like that. If you search for “wire locking pliers” you will find examples. Used in the aircraft industry, the pliers grip the wires, then you pull a knob which rotate the pliers, twisting the wires neatly together. The pliers might be useful if you are having to reattach the beads, also possibly the stainless steel wire.
Glass / Request for Information on Purple Bagley Glass Set – Rd No 849177
« Last post by youngorold on January 23, 2025, 10:56:35 AM »
Hello fellow glass enthusiasts,

I am hoping to learn more about a purple Bagley glass set I own, as I’ve struggled to find much information about it. The set includes a large bowl and six smaller matching dishes, all in excellent condition with no damage. Each piece is marked with the registration number Rd No 849177.

From what I understand, the design might date back to the mid-20th century, and purple seems to be a less common colour for Bagley glass. However, I’ve found little information about this particular colour or its rarity.

If anyone has insights into the history, production details, or potential value of this set, I’d be incredibly grateful. I’m also interested in learning if this purple colour was part of a special edition or a limited production run.

I’ve attached photos for reference to assist with identification.

Thank you in advance for any information, advice, or guidance you can provide!

Best regards,
British & Irish Glass / Re: Crystal & Oil Illuminations / J Defries & Pains Fireworks
« Last post by pjm699 on January 23, 2025, 09:07:57 AM »
Thankyou for the Preciosa link, I will get on to them a bit later I think.

Our buttons are all two hole and are put onto a framework and then wired-on over the framework at the meeting point.
You can see the sad state of the attatchment wire in the image, and the framework wire as well.

The letters were made separately and then clipped on to the main framework as you can see in the corner of the image.

They have then been filled around with the clear buttons (which I guess makes sense from a manufacturing point of view - especially if they are for a single event and then back into the stores).
Glass Paperweights / Re: Lotsa crosses paperweight
« Last post by kwqd on January 22, 2025, 08:14:56 PM »
Very belated "thank you", Anne! Kevin
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