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British & Irish Glass / Seeking Glass Salt Box Manufacture
« Last post by Greg Salt on Today at 08:59:45 PM »
I have been trying for a while to find someone who can make a glass salt box similar to the image.  I think I am right in saying that they were traditionally made with pressed glass?  I would like to have a few hundred made ideally in the UK but could not find anyone so possibly abroad.  Is this possible without too much expense?  Can any one point me in the right direction? 

I am not sure if this is the right forum and I apologise if it is not but I have been looking for a while and any advice would be great.  Thank you in advance for your help.
Glass / Re: Perhaps 19th Century engraved rummer - help with ID please
« Last post by Paul S. on Today at 08:40:05 PM »
hi - although I'm a great fan of wear, and you have lots here, I'm a tad disinclined to think C19 in view of the size of the piece and type of engraving  -  an early C20 piece will now still be over 100 years old and may have substantial wear.                      The shinny-ness may also tend more toward the C20 - unfortunately, the copyists probably find this plain pattern easier to copy.         I don't have the book now, but going from memory the cut double ring isn't something I recall.
Having said all that who knows?  -  I've given up being dogmatic ;D  -  let's see what others think.
Glass / Ikora?
« Last post by Cranesbill on Today at 03:58:35 PM »
A new purchase, 20cm across the rim, 9cm high.

It doesn't resemble its beautifully-lit photo on the Etsy listing, which showed a bowl of glowing golden yellow with greenish stripes. The reality is a milky tea colour with grey stripes within colourless casing, but it does liven up with the sun behind it, becoming translucent golden brown with yellow threads and 'eyes'.

The reticulated pattern is not formed in the more familiar Ikora manner (quenching followed by dipping into a metal salt solution) but with elongated bubbles and thin ochre yellow threading. The bowl doesn't have the usual foot, but a few patterns were made without, and I assume in those designs there would be the pontil mark you can see in my photo. The glass body has the look, feel and heft of Ikora.

All that said, I'm still not sure my attribution is correct. Any thoughts?
Glass / Perhaps 19th Century engraved rummer - help with ID please
« Last post by chilternhills on Today at 03:05:16 PM »
Can anyone point me in the right direction with this piece? I guess it's a rummer. Perhaps 19th century. It's beautifully engraved with foliage and acorns, a V-shaped motif, and a double ring near the base of the bowl. The pontil mark is unfinished. As you can see, there is a fair bit of wear on the base indicative of age. The piece stands about 20 cm high. The bowl is about 18 cm across. The base is 14 cm across. The bowl rings nicely, strong and loud, when pinged.

Thanks in advance for your help.

British & Irish Glass / Re: Georgian cruet bottle
« Last post by Keith Mick on Today at 12:03:37 PM »
Hi Paul
Can't remember if I've seen a different name for this base cut but cogwheel sounds appropriate!
Don't think there's a number will have another look, but the original stopper was only roughly ground so perhaps never   had one.
Glass / Re: Milk Glass Basket
« Last post by NevB on Today at 10:40:16 AM »
Thanks Mike.
France / Re: Portieux Hand Match Holder
« Last post by NevB on Today at 10:37:35 AM »
Thanks Christine, I think it contains uranium and manganese.
Glass / Re: Milk Glass Basket
« Last post by thewingedsphinx on Today at 10:15:16 AM »
France / Re: Portieux Hand Match Holder
« Last post by Lustrousstone on Today at 09:11:03 AM »
Nice. It is uranium: the opacifier dims the glow a bit and seems to give the glass a hint of pearlescence. I have this
British & Irish Glass / Re: Georgian cruet bottle
« Last post by Paul S. on Today at 07:11:28 AM »
agree, very nice piece - good find - well done - love the shape.               My thoughts are that the prism cutting on the foot is perhaps not prism cutting - what do you think of cogwheel pattern ? ;-)                 Unfortunately, more than half the bottles I find are minus their original stoppers, but agree with you that a mushroom shape would have been likely here for this period  -  take it there isn't any No. on the neck, or thereabouts?
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