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Glass / Re: Art Glass vase Signature ID Help
« Last post by mitko07 on October 10, 2024, 09:14:27 PM »
After several unsuccessful searches for last couple of years, finally managed to ID it.
This is Swedish, designed by Hugo Gehlin for Gullaskruf.
Thanks for conformation Ivo!
All the best!
Glass / Re: Uranium Glass Goblet
« Last post by flying free on October 10, 2024, 08:42:03 PM »
at the front of the musterbuch I think it gives the sizes.  Have you checked if the size matches? (if it's there?? - can't really remember without checking)

It looks like a good match though the colour is similar to some of the Russian Fussbecher iirc so that's probably also worth looking into.
I had a brief search of Pressglas-Korrespondenz but couldn't see anything the same.  I'll try and have a search again later.

#edited to add - I checked front page and a 6. denotes for wine.  So it could be ok size wise.  Unfortunately I couldn't see measurements.

This plate appears to be a similar colour perhaps?

Lovely find - very envious.
Glass / Uranium Glass Goblet
« Last post by NevB on October 10, 2024, 02:24:04 PM »
Another glass goblet, could date from any time between 1840-1900. The seller thought it was Bohemian as her family came from there but I can't find any evidence for that. From my previous post it could be Russian, French or other European, 5" tall in a pale yellow/lime green. I did find this similar 2578 pattern by St. Louis but will look further.
Glass / Re: Art Glass cups ID Help
« Last post by chopin-liszt on October 10, 2024, 02:05:04 PM »
 ;D  Polish glass, made by Hortensja.
Silver salts are used to create the surface decor (which are also used in Mdina, that's the connection you spotted).
Not the most common of things to find. This range, which comes with a blue background and another in amber, were only made to order.

However they are a kind of tribute to an older style, and I can't for the life of me remember what, but there are discussions here about it. I'm sure it was Flying-Free did all the research on that.

Not having your glasses in my mitts, I might be tempted to wonder, but it is far more likely to be Hortensja than the older one.
Both are lovely. I've had an interest in this since I first found it, I'm a sucker for things using silver salts.  8)
gorgeous!  are they good for a glass of wine size wise?
Glass Paperweights / Re: Old advertising paperweights for show.
« Last post by flying free on October 10, 2024, 01:34:16 PM »
Love the first two just because their products are very interesting :)
Nice to haves.

Belgium and the Netherlands Glass / Re: Art Glass vase Signature ID Help
« Last post by Ivo on October 10, 2024, 08:57:12 AM »
You've got it.
Glass / Art Glass cups ID Help
« Last post by mitko07 on October 10, 2024, 12:47:36 AM »
Hello everybody!

I need a little help identifying these glass cups.
made of what looks to be transparent blue/ purple glass with surface resembling stone.
Remind me a little of Mdina glass but much different to my opinion.
Thanks in advance!
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