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Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests => Glass Paperweights => Resolved Paperweight Queries => Topic started by: Leni on March 08, 2005, 02:04:20 PM

Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: Leni on March 08, 2005, 02:04:20 PM
Hi Frank (& Kevin),

Having stated catagorically in another thread that I had just acquired a Dahlia paperweight identical to the one shown on your page about Allan Scott, Frank, I thought I had better check if in fact I am right!   :oops:  

The thing which made me make my first enthusiastic identification was the picture, which seems indeed to be indentical.  However, there is no identifying J cane of any sort in my weight.  Did all 'J' (or 'Jay') Glass weights have canes with J or A or both?  

To help, I have taken a couple of pics of the weight.  I was going to email them to Allan Scott via his website, but he seems to have removed the email link.

Please can you tell me if you think mine really is a genuine Allan Scott Deacons Dahlia?  Thanks  :?

Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 02:49:28 PM
Whoever the maker pretty damn tasty for the price you "nicked" it at.
Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: Leni on March 08, 2005, 03:27:00 PM
Quote from: "Anonymous"
Whoever the maker pretty damn tasty for the price you "nicked" it at.

I thought so too!   :twisted:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: KevinH on March 08, 2005, 08:54:41 PM

The weight is certainly a "match" to the one in Frank's pages, listed as "Jay" glass 1982. As the photos are copyrighted to Allan Scott, I take it that the info about it being a "Jay" weight would be ok.

But ... as far as I am aware all "Jay" weights had a "J" cane!

Although the end of John Deacons' "Jay" Glass period was early 83, the only lists of J weights I have seen (in John Simmonds book Paperweights From Great Britain 1930-2000) ends at 1981, so info on the Dahlia weight is not given.

Looks like conact with Allan Scott, one way or another, (or maybe John Deacons) will be the only way to find out anout this unsigned "Jay" weight
Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: Frank on March 08, 2005, 08:56:46 PM
I have asked Allan to visit this thread when gets a chance.
Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: Leni on March 08, 2005, 10:47:37 PM
Quote from: "Frank"
I have asked Allan to visit this thread when gets a chance.

Gosh!  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Thanks, Frank!   :shock:  :oops:   :D :roll:

Title: Dahlia P/weight
Post by: Allan scott on March 11, 2005, 01:06:49 PM
Hi Leni,
            I have a great problem with getting my E.mails just now as I am only on dial-up at the moment untill broadband arrives in my village.My own website is not up & running yet.I got an e.mail from Frank Andrews about the Dahlia and I can confirm that it is a J.Glass P/weight.I have to admit that I cant remember if these weights had a signature cane in as the flowers were made in one piece and had to be laid down immediately from the time I finished the last leaf on to a hot plate so John Deacons could pick it up with the hot gather of glass as soon as my hand was out of the way.This was to prevent the flower from cracking.It would of been hard to get a cane into the design with this method but my mother still has one of the dahlia weights so I will check it out and post another reply here for you.If you need to contact me for anything else ,E.mail me on  ,but like I said I do have a problem with the E.mails just now,especially sending them so do not worry if I am slow to reply.I am always happy to help collectors and anybody interested in paperweights.
                     Allan :lol:
Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: Leni on March 11, 2005, 01:30:49 PM
Gosh!  :shock:  Wow!  :shock:  Thanks so much Allan!  

I'm honoured and delighted to own the weight.  It's really beautiful!   :D

Leni (who really can't believe her luck!  :roll: )
Title: Dahlia
Post by: Allan scott on March 12, 2005, 04:36:34 PM
Hi Leni,
                Thanks for the e.mail,I still cannot e.mail out though.I went to visit my mother only to realise that the Dahlia weight was actually mine and I had forgotten to unpack it from when I moved house,so it has been in my attic for  5 years..oops!.Anyway,my one has a blue "J" cane inserted in the middle of a concave ground base,I have had another look at your pictures and I cannot see enough detail of the base to se how yours is finished.If you could send a couple of different angled images and a description of the base to the e.mail adress I sent you I will try to solve the mystery.If nothing else,after looking at the pictures again,I can confirm that it is my lampwork and it is a J-Glass weight.In fact,I can tell you that there are not many of this design out there,I am sure we did not finish making all of the edition of 101.This is the first one of this design that I have heard of coming back on the market since we made them and it remains to this day my favourite J.Glass weight that I made,despite the problems it gave us to make. 8)
Title: Re: Dahlia
Post by: Leni on March 14, 2005, 01:30:06 PM
Quote from: "Allan scott"
my one has a blue "J" cane inserted in the middle of a concave ground base,I have had another look at your pictures and I cannot see enough detail of the base to se how yours is finished

Actually, mine seems rather 'un' finished!  :oops:

I'll send you the pics as requested to show what I mean.  There is a rather sharp, 'raw-looking' pontil mark which does not seem to have been ground down at all and as a result the weight doesn't quite stand flat.

I can confirm that it is my lampwork and it is a J-Glass weight.In fact,I can tell you that there are not many of this design out there,I am sure we did not finish making all of the edition of 101.This is the first one of this design that I have heard of coming back on the market since we made them and it remains to this day my favourite J.Glass weight that I made,despite the problems it gave us to make. 8)

I am so pleased to hear that!  I do love it and think myself very lucky to have it.   :D  

Will be emailing pics to you Allan, and many thanks again for your help.

Title: Re: Dahlia
Post by: Leni on March 14, 2005, 02:18:20 PM
Quote from: "Leni"
[Will be emailing pics to you Allan, and many thanks again for your help.


Sorry Allan, but I seem to be having email problems again!  (Well, it appears BT are having the problems, I am just suffering as a result of them!   :evil: )

So, with apologies to anyone who may not be interested, I am posting the pics you asked to see here instead   :roll:

Hope this helps.  And many thanks again  :D

Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: KevinH on March 14, 2005, 11:41:38 PM
Maybe Allan can confirm, but I think that the light blue cane in the centre of the base may be a very distorted "J" cane. If that's true, then it could explain why the base is unfinished - the weight could actually have been regarded as "not successful" (even though it's superb from the normal viewpoint).
Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: Leni on March 15, 2005, 09:25:28 AM
Quote from: "KevH"
Maybe Allan can confirm, but I think that the light blue cane in the centre of the base may be a very distorted "J" cane. If that's true, then it could explain why the base is unfinished - the weight could actually have been regarded as "not successful" (even though it's superb from the normal viewpoint).

It's not a distorted cane in the base, Kev it's the reflection of the central cane of the Dahlia in the snapped off pontil mark.  Sorry, but it's very difficult to photograph because of the 'unfinished'ness of the base!  :roll:

I think you may be right about the 'not successful' point though.  I hope Allan can put us right on this  :?
And yes, it is indeed truly superb in spite of the base!   :shock:

Title: Dahlia
Post by: ALLAN on March 16, 2005, 07:26:31 PM
Hi Leni & Kev,
                   The un-cut base certainly explains why there is no "J" cane in the weight,as to the reason why it was never completed ,there could be several explanations; 1) There might of been a defect obvious at the time of making which made us decide not to finish it as normal,2) The weight could in fact be perfectly good and was made as a master sample before we decided to progress with the edition,3) There is also the distinct possibility that we made the weight before checking that we had any "J" canes ready to go in the base,(blame the local pub for forcing John and I to partake of their fine beverages at lunchtimes  :lol: ).Any of these are perfectly reasonable explanations but what puzzles me is how it came to be on the market unfinished.Maybe you can let me know how you came across it.I know a lot of weights were sold by the liquidators when J.Glass went bust in 1983 but I do not remember what was sold off as I was at Caithness Glass by the time of the sale.The only other possibility is that it might of,how would you say,"walked "out of the workshop secretly when we were not looking.It did happen quite often as our cowshed doors were always open for people to wander in and see us working.Whatever the reason for its existence,it is still a great weight and I am glad its found a good home.
                Allan  8)
Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: Leni on March 16, 2005, 08:41:56 PM
Allan, thank you so much again for taking the time to reply in this thread.  

I have to say I also am puzzled as to how the weight 'escaped' unfinished!   :? From my examination of it I would say it does not have any defect, unless your standards were *very* much higher than mine!   :shock: I rather like the idea of blaming the local pub!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

As to how I came across it, I bought it a couple of weeks ago on eBay!  It was advertised as 'Possibly John Deacons 'Dahlia on Clear''.  I was stunned (and very pleased) to be the only bidder, therefore getting it at a bargain price!    :D

It certainly is a great paperweight and I treasure it!  I fully intend it to remain in my possession and to pass to my children or grandchildren, so if it ever goes back on the market it will not (hopefully) be for a long time, if at all.  Personally, I would like to bequeath it to one of my new baby grand-daughters, in the hope that when she grows up she will love it as much as I do, and keep it for her children to enjoy.  :D  :oops:  :roll:  :D

Many thanks again for all your help  :D

Title: Dahlia
Post by: ALLAN on March 17, 2005, 09:26:08 PM
HI Leni,
           I am glad you love the weight so much,You  have no idea how much it means to us poor glassmakers to know that someone out there appreciates our work.As long as the the base of your weight does not have any sharp edges I would not recommend that you get it finished as this,(In my opinion),would detract from its mystery and would just look like it was a mistake from the beginning.It is scary to think I made that flower over 20yrs ago,never mind time flies as they say, lol.You will have to look out for more of my weights in the future, especially about the time of the Scottish Glass Society exhibitions,when I get the chance to make "one-offs"for myself.(might not be as cheap as your Dahlia though,Ha-Ha!).Anyway I hope you carry on collecting paperweights happily for many years to come,whether they are mine or not.I will always be happy to talk to anybody about paperweights at any time,that goes for anyone reading this by the way.....Happy collecting.....Allan
Title: Re: Dahlia
Post by: Leni on March 17, 2005, 09:45:09 PM
Quote from: "ALLAN"
You will have to look out for more of my weights in the future, especially about the time of the Scottish Glass Society exhibitions,when I get the chance to make "one-offs"for myself

Allan, it would be really great if you could post a message here telling us when that is coming up!   :D

I know many of us here would love to know and to be able to keep our eyes open for more of your weights!   :shock:

Thank you very much again for all your help!

Title: Allan Scott 'Deacons' Dahlia paperweight?
Post by: Frank on March 17, 2005, 09:52:00 PM
Scottish Glass Society News

2005 SGS Exhibition

The 2005 exhibition will be 2nd - 24th July at Strathearn Gallery in Crief. This exhibition will be open to SGS members only, but will be selected. Details will be in the May Newsletter. Keep checking this space!!
