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Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. => Scandinavian Glass => Topic started by: Madbrit on March 02, 2008, 12:12:38 PM

Title: Viking plaque
Post by: Madbrit on March 02, 2008, 12:12:38 PM
I found this piece yesterday, the one on the left, a Viking a boat in frosted glass at the rear and clear glass on the front, has anyone any ideas about its origins? ps i know the goat is a flat back kosta goat.....
Title: Re: Viking plaque
Post by: Ivo on March 02, 2008, 12:44:09 PM
I'm almost 80% certain it is a Nybro viking.
Title: Re: Viking plaque
Post by: a40ty on March 02, 2008, 05:35:34 PM
I'm less sure than that IVO.
It doesn't have the feel or the look of Nybro to me, nor is it in the Nybro catalogues I have. I would be more inclined to go for Scancrystal from Estonia (,19579.0.html). I was there several years ago, just after the collapse of the Soviet Union  and they were looking for themes which would appeal in Scandinavia. We suggested Vikings, the Little Mermaid etc. Now I can't remember the exact details of their prototypes but I do remember that they were very "diffuse" and at that time,  not very well executed. ( Sorry Kev)
Title: Re: Viking plaque
Post by: Ivo on March 02, 2008, 07:56:06 PM
Good info - I'd never even heard of Scancrystal, so I assume it is a really tiny outfit.
I checked my cast Nybro items (they will not upload right now because they are too big) and can confirm they are of very dubious quality - shockingly so. But I also found this horrid item from Reijmyre. You can see where my 80% comes from.
Title: Re: Viking plaque
Post by: Ivo on March 02, 2008, 08:04:53 PM
STOP PRESS. I just discovered a cast crystal item of even less quality. The blurred image could be a fir tree, or a pagoda, or a wooden church (take your pick), and it has the same coursely frosted ground as the item at issue.
This one has a foil sticker which reads:
Design: Eda Krystall

picture may follow.