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Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. => Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Austria => Topic started by: Glen on August 06, 2005, 10:07:12 AM

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Glen on August 06, 2005, 10:07:12 AM
On another thread (Is this a Walther lamp base), tigerchips mentioned a sailing boat that he thought might be Walther. I have an example of this boat in amber, and have seen several other examples in vaseline. I thought readers might be interested to know a bit more about this item as it does crop up from time to time. I don't have a photo to post at the moment (I'll try and get one done today) but you can find it on eBay if you're curious and impatient.

My boat has a RD moulded into the base. The number is 812656. The date was June 3rd 1936. It was registered by Boehmische Glasfabrik "Carlshuette" according to the Glass Association's List of numbers. My understanding of this is that it refers to Carlshutte in Bohemia. Truitt's "Bohemian Glass" states that Carlshutte (near Teplice aka Teplitz) was operated by C. Slanina and Co.
Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Leni on August 06, 2005, 10:16:23 AM
I'd love to see that, Glen!   :shock:

I really like this boat Chips has on ebay, and in fact I thought about bidding on it, but I guess it will go for more than I can afford at the moment  :roll:  :(

Is the one Chips shows vaseline (in other words, uranium  :roll: )?  I thought it might be from the picture.  What vaseline examples do you have, Glen?  

Funny, I love vaseline because it's usually green, but don't like carnival because it's usually orange (massive generalisation here  :oops:  :roll: )

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Glen on August 06, 2005, 10:25:31 AM
My amber boat isn't as pretty as the vaseline example (being honest, but I still LOVE my boat).

I'm guessing Chips boat is UV reactive, but I could be wrong. Tigerchips??

Leni (aka Shirley  :lol: ) did you mean what vaseline examples of glass in general do I have? It would take a long time to write out all the pieces. Lots. And yes, Vaseline Carnival is usually covered up by a marigold iridescence. But (you knew there was going to be a BUT didn't you?) there are some magnificent examples (mainly from Northwood and Millersburg) where the iridescence is pastel and the yellow green base glass is enhanced hugely. They are mind blowingly fabulous and command very (very) high prices. The easiest example to acquire is possibly Northwood's Concave diamonds tumbler - that isn't usually too expensive (around $100 t0 $200 each).

Glen (just scratching the surface of Vaseline Carnival  :roll: )
Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Glen on August 06, 2005, 11:10:23 AM
Vaseline Carnival? Oh yes. And the delight of it is that it usually looks marigold, and then turn it over and see the yellow green base! There's modern examples too - and they always have a pastel iridescence that shows the yellow green glass.

A Millersburg "Feather and Heart" water pitcher in vaseline with a pastel iridescence is a show stopper. A rare example brought $14,000 at auction in 1994, so that gives an idea of its good looks (as well, of course, of its extreme rarity).

We have written an article about Vaseline Carnival on the WWWCGA website if you're interested.

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Leni on August 06, 2005, 11:28:32 AM
Thanks for that, Glen.  Fascinating article!   :shock:  (and nice to see a pic of you  :wink: )

However, I have to say the glass is not to my taste  :oops:  

I don't mind some of the blue / purple Carnival stuff, but I really don't go for the orangey shades :roll:  and I presume all the Vaseline Carnival is the marigold / green combination?  

BTW, In my earlier post I asked about what vaseline examples you had.  Sorry it wasn't clear, but I meant did you have vaseline examples of the boats.

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Morgan48 on August 06, 2005, 11:36:48 AM

Back in the 90's did you know a husband wife team of very avid carnival glass collectors called Phil and Don.... surname????.... right now I've been overtaken by a "senior moment" :roll:  :oops:,  as this form of amnesia is called,..... might have been something like Akers




Apologies forget the question as I saw his name at the top of the list of rememberance.....yes???..... Is Phil still an active member.
Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Glen on August 06, 2005, 02:33:20 PM
Here's my amber boat - marked with the RD number 812656, registered by Boehmische Glasfabrik "Carlshuette" as noted above.

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2005, 02:51:29 PM
Thats the same boat as Tiger has got listed on Ebay... except he's put the rigging the other way round

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Glen on August 06, 2005, 02:51:50 PM
Sorry Gareth, I was obviously too overcome by the girly moment of thinking about my favourite dress and lipstick to match  :oops: Sowwee :oops:  

Yes, I know Phyllis very well indeed. She's a dear friend.

Don, as you now realise, sadly passed away a few years ago.

Quote from: "Anonymous"
Thats the same boat as Tiger has got listed on Ebay...

Yep, eggsacktly. That's why I am writing about it  :lol:

As for the rigging, it could be me that's got it the wrong way round.  :oops: (Another girly moment maybe)

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2005, 03:01:40 PM
Quote from: "Glen"
Sorry Gareth, I was obviously too overcome by the girly moment of thinking about my favourite dress and lipstick to match  :oops: Sowwee :oops:  

Yes, I know Phyllis very well indeed. She's a dear friend.

Don, as you now realise, sadly passed away a few years ago.


hi Glen

Good to know Phil is keeping well... very nice lady... and yes I heard about Don some while back now. We used to spend a fair old time yacking away at Picketts Lock as we had a mutual interest in cloud glass....although carnival I feel was Dons real passion.

Nice dress by the way............. odd.... why does that remark bring to mind a scene with agent Clarice.... :roll:...the world of subliminal association is really quite strange.... or perhaps its just me. ... but not in that way I hasten to add :shock:  :roll:  

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Leni on August 06, 2005, 03:18:34 PM
Quote from: "Glen"
As for the rigging, it could be me that's got it the wrong way round.  :oops:

Yeah, I reckon your boat is going backwards, Glen  :lol:

Of course, it could just be tacking into the wind  :roll:  :wink:

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Glen on August 06, 2005, 03:36:36 PM
Leni, I think that mine is the rare Variant.  :lol:

Actually, the central section doesn't fit as well the other way round - that's why we put it in thataway.

Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Tigerchips on August 06, 2005, 10:41:52 PM
Hi, i've been reading all your messages for the past half hour! :shock:

Heck, I even had a nice cuppa and went through a whole 8 inch diameter cake.  :oops:

Just think of all though's people that worked their souls off into creating Vaseline glass. tell me, do the people that create it still glow in the dark? :lol:

On the serious side of things, i've heard that some employees have died from radiation poison. :cry:  Fortunetly the glass is harmless outside of the factory.  :)

As for my ship, i'm not sure if it glows under UV light since I haven't got one. The ship looks the same colour as my other pieces if that's any help. Will a sun tan bed do? It works on me! :D

A Carlshuette sailing ship! I never would have guessed that Carlshuette made it (that was my little way of sounding intelligent).

I can't find any Carlshuette items on Ebay, did they make other things like this?

Thanks for all your help everybody.

I've had a nice read so i think i'll go to bed after i've taken my indigestion tablets :D :wink:
Title: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Glen on August 07, 2005, 08:39:03 AM
Tigerchips - I (almost certainly wrongly) assumed your boat was vaseline. I think it was caused by the fact that I had seen a vaseline one quite recently and I made a leap that I shouldn't have regarding yours!

As to maker....if I were you, I would simply say that it is Czech, 1930s. You can always go the whole way for a dinner party trick and do the Carlshut/  Carlshuette thing, for effect, if you want.  :lol:

And how about sharing that cake?

Title: Re: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Simba on August 15, 2019, 01:29:28 PM
I recently added a Carlshutte boat to my collection and whilst researching it I found this curious information... apparently the boat was sold in the UK filled with chocolates and its use afterwards was as a bulb planter !!
Title: Re: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: catshome on August 15, 2019, 05:52:01 PM
Simba,  that's an amazing link.  Can't believe a paper insert survived!
Title: Re: Ships from Bohemia
Post by: Simba on August 15, 2019, 08:14:33 PM
Yes indeed, how great that someone did the research and actually kept the info with the piece of glass !!