Glass Message Board

Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. => USA => Topic started by: Anne on December 28, 2008, 04:01:35 PM

Title: Curious Carnival vase - ID = Dugan-Diamond "Golden Flute"
Post by: Anne on December 28, 2008, 04:01:35 PM
I found a fairly simple-style Carnival vase which I've been trying to identify and failing miserably. I've been through Glen's Carnival site, an Dave Doty's pattern reference and Googled Carnival images and drawn a blank. I've only found one other example of this vase on a website and there it is labelled as unknown - very helpful!   ;D

So, I'm posting it here in the hope (and belief!) that Glen will know what it is please. It stood* approx 10" tall. (*I say stood as it met an unfortunate accident on Boxing Day when my son managed to knock it off the fireplace onto the tiles below and it smashed into a pile of pieces. :cry: But I'd still like to know what it was.)
Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: Glen on December 28, 2008, 05:06:43 PM
It looks rather like Dugan's Thin Panel aka Many Ribs, although I am not 100% certain. Do you know how many panels it had (shame that has to be in the past tense  :'()

I'd like to think this through a bit more.........

Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: Glen on December 28, 2008, 06:26:11 PM
The mystery vase is Dugan-Diamond "Golden Flute".

My everlasting (and always heartfelt) thanks to Joan Doty (who is, imho, THE vase expert bar none, in respect of Classic USA Carnival) for the ID. As Joan so rightly says "This little vase always seems to present an identification challenge".

Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: Anne on December 28, 2008, 08:50:00 PM
Glen, thank you, I was sure you'd be able to solve the mystery :kissy: and to Joan, for her invaluable help, please pass on my thanks.  :clap: 

The vase did have 12 panels - I managed to count them before it met its sad end. What is even sadder was it was given to my Mother as one of her Christmas gifts and was demolished on Boxing Day.  :cry: The luckiest part of the sad tale was that two other Carnival vases, a Tiffany lamp, a pottery clock, and various other nick-nacks which also met the hearth were not damaged at all, so losing only one vase was in fact lucky.  :o

Now to track down a replacement for Mum!
Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: Glen on December 28, 2008, 09:07:37 PM
You're very welcome, Anne, and I have passed on your thanks (and mine) to Joan too  :)

I wish you good luck in finding a replacement (my fingers are crossed).

Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: chloe on December 29, 2008, 09:14:54 PM
Not an exact replacement but have just seen this on my searching which has a similar vibe to it - 370131190642

Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: Glen on December 29, 2008, 09:31:30 PM
That one is by Fenton - and it is "Plume Panels".

Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: Anne on December 29, 2008, 09:47:12 PM
Chloe, thank you for posting that one, I do appreciate it.  :kissy:  It's not the same as the broken one, but does match one Mum has which Glen kindly id'd for us a while ago - the rim on Mum's is higher at the back than the front but the pattern is the same.

The good news is that I have found a replacement and it will hopefully be here soon, so Mum will be able to enjoy her new vase after all. Thanks again to Chloe and to Glen for your help.  :ghug:
Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: chloe on December 29, 2008, 09:51:02 PM
Fabulous news!  Well done you  :chky:

(and how annoying are those pesky children around our glass?!)
Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: Anne on December 30, 2008, 12:02:54 AM
This pesky child is 22, Chloe!  ;D
Title: Re: Curious Carnival vase
Post by: Anne on January 01, 2009, 01:09:36 AM
It has arrived safe and sound and is lovely, a much nicer iridescence than the broken one too. Pictures to follow for reference.