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Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests => Glass => Unresolved Glass Queries => Topic started by: svazzo on September 10, 2005, 04:07:30 PM

Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: svazzo on September 10, 2005, 04:07:30 PM
Hello Everyone!
Its been a while since I posted on this section, but I reacently received this vase from Australia. Aparently the seller inherited a very old store, with all its contents still inside. It had been closed since the 50's, but actually opened in the 1900's!
He sold this vase as "Glass Vase" on his auction, and he didnt have any idea of a maker. I just thought it was very unusual and looked really old so I bought it :D
Does anyone have any idea when and who made this?

Oh yea, I still havent been able to clean it, lol
Thank you all in advance!
Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: RAY on September 10, 2005, 04:41:31 PM
looks like a hatpin holder
Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: Anne E.B. on September 10, 2005, 04:49:27 PM
It does look remarkably like a palm tree Javier with its textured trunk and leaves.  Haven't seen anything like it before :?  Ray's suggestion of a hat pin holder sounds good.

Regards - Anne E.B. :P
Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: Anne E.B. on September 10, 2005, 05:09:13 PM
Ray's hatpin thing could be good.  How tall is it?

Anne E.B. 8)
Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: svazzo on September 10, 2005, 08:10:29 PM
Hi Anne E. B.,
It is pretty tall actually. Measures 9 1/2" tall.

Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: Glassyone on September 10, 2005, 09:59:10 PM
It looks vaguely like Kralik to me. That's just a punt.

Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: Leni on September 11, 2005, 10:11:41 AM
Javier, it looks from the picture as if your hat-pin holder / vase might be slightly irridescent.  Is it?  

My first thought was that the leaves looked a little bit like some of the early Stourbridge crimped / 'Acanthus' leaves, but if it is iridescent I would have said it's not English.  

I hate to say 'Bohemian' or 'Czech' as I think that's just a cop-out  way of saying 'I don't know'  :?

So I'll just say ..... I don't know :oops:   :(   :roll:

But I do like it!  :wink:

Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: svazzo on September 11, 2005, 05:35:34 PM
No, the vase isn't Iridescent, wish it was!
Also has a pontil mark underneath, so it was not polished. Another thing I found interesting is that the top of the clear glass was not polished off either. It was left rough, and the "crown leaf" motif added to it. I do think it was done at the same time and isn't a "marriage." That is what makes me think it is a much older piece too.
Oh, and on the glass, it is just really really dirty, from years of being inside the store. I am cleaning it now and looks really clear.

For a signature, I really havent found one. Would you think it is a stamp-like signature I should be looking for? I have been trying to feel with my fingers in case it is etched or stamped, but nothing so far.

Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: svazzo on September 13, 2005, 04:23:16 PM
Here's the vase all cleaned up!

Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: svazzo on September 20, 2005, 06:13:20 AM
Hi Everyone,
Just letting you know i got an email from an appraiser saying she had seen the piece before, but had no history on it. She guessed the vase could be English from the 1920's. Also she said she had only seen the piece in clear glass, not in any color. I think that could be a very good thing :)
Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: Leni on September 20, 2005, 08:18:09 AM
Javier, I saw one very like it, but all in clear glass, at the Cambridge Glass Fair.  I asked the dealer if he knew what it was and he said, 'it's a Nailsea crown frigger'   :shock:   It was shorter than yours and looked more crudely made (as far as I can tell from your picture) but the 'leafy' top was certainly *very* similar!

Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: svazzo on September 20, 2005, 11:37:20 PM
Hi Leni!
Thank you for spotting that piece and asking about it! Nailsea you say?
Hmmmm, all I have seen in my books as "Nailsea" have been the feather type designs. Nothing with a diamond embossed pattern or leaf decorations. That is really interesting. I might have to do some research on Nailsea now!
Title: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: KevinH on September 21, 2005, 12:09:08 AM
I don't think the item in question has anything at all to do with Nailsea, either in style of the item, or in decorative concept  :!:

It looks to me like a late 19th century piece and could be English or "Continental Europe". The shape of the top does bring "Hatpin holder" to mind, but yes, it could equally be a flower holder. In Victorian Decorative Glass (2002), by Mervyn Gulliver, page 100 has a picture of a 6 inch high vase with a similar "crown" top formed in loops of plain green glass. Unfortunately, attributions are not a normal feature of what in other respects is an excellent book.
Title: Re: Older Leaf Crown Vase - Ideas of Maker?
Post by: Tigerchips on June 21, 2008, 08:00:59 PM
Hi Javier, can you please repost a piccy...