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Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. => Murano & Italy Glass => Topic started by: Glassyone on September 10, 2005, 11:10:41 PM

Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Glassyone on September 10, 2005, 11:10:41 PM
Small vase 11.5 high and 8.5 wide, with murrhine faces.

I would appreciate any information about it. It is not marked and looks newish.
Cheers Ruth
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: RAY on September 10, 2005, 11:35:17 PM
most likley made in china, i have a paperweight in the same style
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Glassyone on September 11, 2005, 12:20:54 AM
Ha, that's a good suggestion! I think you are probably right. It has the same murrhines as one I saw described as Italian but I lost the link. it's quite 'lightweight'. I must research Chinese glass as it appears to be a big industry there now.
Thankyou Ruth
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Leni on September 11, 2005, 08:18:19 AM
Quote from: "RAY"
most likley made in china, i have a paperweight in the same style

I'd love to see a pic of your paperweight, Ray!  :shock:

And what makes you say China?  Have you some clues about that - like a matt base, for example?  :twisted:  :lol:  

I wonder about the murrine faces.  They appear to have 'round' eyes, which if it is Chinese would indicate it was made expressly for the export market.  

I believe murrines like this are quite difficult to make, and I'd love to know who is 'giving it a go'!   :shock:   :?

Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: RAY on September 11, 2005, 01:12:30 PM
just put it in the paperweight section
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: David555 on September 11, 2005, 07:54:17 PM
The most famous Murrine vase maker is probably Fratelli Toso - the ones made from 1950s - 70s are amazing  

Sadly this is just too blurred I think for that - I do think many lesser Italian companies copied Fratelli e.g. Bucella Cristalli whose murrines were not as tight as Fratelli - if you look in books you can see Bucella vases and bottles similar to yours - I am not saying it is ... but I don't think it's from China - just because it has no label or is not marked seems to make some say 'Oh Poland' or 'Oh China' and that's not always right Bucella Cristalli and other companies did not sign their wares and labels often fell off

Search for (google) Bucella Cristalli /1960/1970 etc. and any other suggested companies and see what you can find

The Murrine faces look eccentric and Italian to me

Adam D555 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Glassyone on September 12, 2005, 06:13:29 AM
No joy so far but I will keep trying. It seems crazy to make such good 'faces' then most of them are blurry.
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Leni on September 12, 2005, 08:50:27 AM
Quote from: "ruthbradwell"
It seems crazy to make such good 'faces' then most of them are blurry

See my comments on the paperweight.  According to the Juedemanns (Glass Kitchen) the technique is very tricky to get right.  I have some murrine beads made my Lissa Juedemann.  They are perfect, but they cost a LOT!   :shock: (although they are well worth it, IMHO :D )

Do look at  The vase and paperweight may not be by Chris and Lissa, but if not they are obviously by someone trying the same things.  Might be worth dropping them an email to ask if they know of anyone else doing this sort of work at the moment.

Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: KevinH on September 24, 2005, 06:48:00 PM
[Mod: edited Sep 2015 to add back lost images - now links to GlassGallery]

Hi folks,

In connection with another task, I suddenly realised that I had photos of a plate with murrine faces ... and they are the same as in Ruth's vase and Ray's paperweight.

Full plate (
Detail of face canes (

Please note that the basic glass in the plate is clear, but photographing it directly over a sheet of paper and using flash caused a blue tint!

In Ray's weight, many of the face canes show a "bubbly / blurred" appearance and exactly the same effect can be seen in the part view image of the plate.

The owner of the plate has given the following information: It was purchased in a "St Louis shop" in Paris around 1995 to 1997, where the shop owner said it was from the St Louis factory. Doubts about this were raised and later research pointed towards India. The owner also has beads with very similar faces purchased in Delhi, where the bead shop owner said that some general millefiori canes used in Indian work are "copies" of Murano-style ones.

If the details about the Indian work are correct, it is not surprising that Ray's weight may seem to have "Murano" canes as well as these particular murrine faces.

[I have posted a copy of this reply to the message for Ray's weight in the Paperweights forum.]
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Ivo on September 24, 2005, 07:50:19 PM
Does anyone have the big Murrhine book? Because I have one of these cups, and I found the smiley cane attributed to Barovier in the twenties - if memory serves me adequately.  My cup is more like Kevin's plate than the tumbler which looks a bit courser. It was purchased around 1990 ...
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Glassyone on September 25, 2005, 02:35:42 AM
Leni, your people are in a different league altogether, what skill! I would never have thought it possible to do portraits in glass like that.

Ivo,  I believe that tumbler is not anything special,  it's 'cute'  though,  Kev's plate is better quality. I found the faces after purchase and thought it interesting enough to ponder on it's origins. Like much of my glass,  it may be put to use and it's form suggests the bathroom . Along with the Nazeing mulberry bucket, within which lurk toothbrushes and toothpaste.
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: KevinH on September 26, 2005, 11:07:28 PM
Ivo, any chance of a photo of the Barovier-attributed "smiley" cane in your cup? Is it identical to the ones already shown?

And is the "big Murrhine book" the one by Sarpellino (if I've got the name right)? There is a book covering canes and murrhine that I don't have and I am finding it hard to even track one down - although I think I know someone who may have one, or at least, who may know a contact who may have one.
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Ivo on September 27, 2005, 06:36:50 AM

Honestly, I have no idea which book it is - I just remember it was big, expensive, hefty and looked utterly serious
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Anne on September 27, 2005, 11:34:02 AM
Kev, is this the book you're looking for?  8)
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: KevinH on September 27, 2005, 12:14:38 PM
Thanks Ivo - Hmm, the face canes are, indeed, the same. This is getting more intriguing.

And thanks, Marcus, for the email pointing me to sources for books covering murrine. Whether or not they will cover the "face canes" discussed (or even if either are the "hefty" one that Ivo mentioned - probably not), I have ordered Venetian Beads, Mosaic Glass and Murrine ... (Giovanni Sarpellon) and also Designs In Miniature ... (Moretti, Gianni and Sarpellon). I am also considering the Murrine E Millfiori ... catalog you mentioned.
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: KevinH on September 27, 2005, 12:26:14 PM
Thanks, Anne. Yes, I think that's the "hefty" one - with the hefty price (ranging from $185 to $250 via the Amazon sources!). It is this one for which I think a friend may know of a UK source, which may (or may not!) save me shipping costs. I also think I know of somebody with a copy, who may be prepared to do some browsing for me.

More on these "face canes" sometime ... maybe.
Title: Italian not Murano?
Post by: Anne on September 27, 2005, 12:42:15 PM
Expensive book!  :roll:

Kev, have you looked on Put Sarpellon in the Author Name search box and see what comes up. :wink:
Title: Re: Italian not Murano?
Post by: flying free on September 18, 2015, 10:29:38 PM
Kev,could you add pictures back directly to the board if possible please?

I've come across this listing on ebay - removed 'because there was an error in the listing' apparently, but I found the photograph that went with it - five face cane beads, two of which were long ones and contained the faces in my plate (will link that in a mo when I find the thread)
The beads look in good shiny condition and appear to contain cut 'lengths' of the face cane rod with the face cane showing at the end, rather than slices of face cane if you see what I mean.

Title: Re: Italian not Murano?
Post by: KevinH on September 19, 2015, 09:05:53 PM
My photos (from Reply #8 above) of the plate with face canes was eventually put in GlassGallery:
Full plate (
Detail of face canes (

Title: Re: Italian not Murano?
Post by: flying free on October 03, 2015, 07:00:36 PM
I've only just seen this.  Thank you and apologies - I hadn't realised it was in there :)