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Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. => British & Irish Glass => Topic started by: Anne on December 18, 2005, 01:52:59 AM

Title: Caithness - neodymium glass?
Post by: Anne on December 18, 2005, 01:52:59 AM
I've just found a vase that, when I bought it, was light blue, and when I got it home and unwrapped it was pink. Taking it through to the kitchen for washing it went blue again... so after a few trips between living room (tungsten light) and kitchen (fluorescent light) to see it change from pink to blue and back again, I've come to the conclusion it's neodymium glass.

The shape and size is the exact same as I have seen on marked Caithness vases, so can anyone please confirm if Caithness made neodymium glass? Many thanks. :) (Photo to follow if required/wanted.)
Title: Caithness - neodymium glass?
Post by: David E on December 18, 2005, 02:40:54 PM
Definately Neodymium, but I'd also like to know whether Caithness have glass like this. It should also be pink in normal daylight too.

I also recently discovered some pale smokey Neo-glass that went green under fluorescent, but also went red under UV, indicating I believe that Selenium was used as a decolourant.
Title: Caithness - neodymium glass?
Post by: Anne on December 18, 2005, 06:44:10 PM
I'm not sure what colour it goes in daylight to be honest, but I'll take photos tomorrow when it's daylight and add them to this thread. I don't have a UV light yest so cannot check for that. I really must get one ordered.

Thanks for the confirmation on neodymium as the colour changer. I also checked the Neodymium mailing list (on Yahoo!) and found mentions of Caithness neodymium glass in their archives, so Caithness appears to be a good bet for my vase. :)
Title: Caithness - neodymium glass?
Post by: David E on December 18, 2005, 10:17:58 PM
Anne, do try to take the photo without flash, otherwise it will give a slightly different colour (hint of blue).

I have yet to find any lilac Neo-glass that contains selenium, so don't expect this with your vase - it only seems to appear in the type that changes to green, but I'll post some photos later.

In the meantime, should this glass be called "Trichroic"?
Title: Caithness - neodymium glass?
Post by: Anne on December 19, 2005, 12:09:50 AM
Thanks David, I managed a couple tonight despite it being dark. :) They were both taken in the same place - the blue with the kitchen fluorescent light on and the lilac with it off and light coming from the next room. The colour difference is quite clear.
Title: Caithness - neodymium glass?
Post by: David E on December 19, 2005, 10:24:03 AM
As promised, here are some pictures of the two green/selenium Neo glass items I have. In daylight the bud vase is virtually clear and the bowl slightly lilac with an orange tinge! Unfortunately I still can't take a decent one showing the red/orange glow under UV, so will try later with a tripod and looooooong exposure!

:: click any thumbnail to enlarge ::
( ( : ( ( : ( (
Title: Caithness - neodymium glass?
Post by: Pinkspoons on December 19, 2005, 10:51:55 AM
I had a few vases that I just thought were a pretty and delicate pinky colour... until I bought one of those energy-saving bulbs for the room and they all turned blue!  :lol:

I was a bit confused because I'd never heard of neodymium glass at the time!
Title: Caithness - neodymium glass?
Post by: Anne on December 29, 2005, 03:45:57 AM
In the GBA centre today there were a dozen or more Caithness neodymium vases and bowls, all with labels - some the Caithness ones and others the CG labels, so this was obviously a regular production type of glass for them.
Title: Re: Caithness - neodymium glass?
Post by: Sendhandfran on April 25, 2014, 11:22:35 PM
Hi Anne.
I've just discovered a vase i own to be neodymium, will include some photos. I think its by Tiffin, as is the dish  I've inc. a photo of . I include the dish because, this vase and the clear parts of the dish turn a definate olive green colour under UV light. Would love to know why. Also, i don't have photos at the moment, but i have an ice blue/green bowl which turns to a deep rich green in bulb light..again no idea why..:-S