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Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. => Murano & Italy Glass => Topic started by: soledivo on February 14, 2011, 09:26:54 PM

Title: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 14, 2011, 09:26:54 PM
Why I bought this I don't know, i don't like it at all, I think I fell for "oooh its got a signature"  :ho:

Can anyone I.D. the sig. for me, I've tried for weeks to make it out.  :chky:

Its 40cm tall.

Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: Wayne on February 14, 2011, 09:32:04 PM
I know this doesn't help much, but could the second word simply be "Murano"?
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 14, 2011, 10:04:00 PM
thanks Wayne  ;D, yes the second word is Murano
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: ardy on February 14, 2011, 10:37:42 PM
The first word could be haus as there is a Haus Murano photo comes up on a google search. Don't know about any glass blowers there.
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 14, 2011, 10:54:57 PM
i found Haus studio glass, but was unable to find out if its Murano or not.
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: flying free on February 14, 2011, 11:06:10 PM
is the finish a scavo?    I like it.
It might be worth searching for that term and see if some pics come up?  It's a bit odd that it has a label mark left on it though.  I wouldn't have thought that would happen on a scavo finish  :-\
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: ardy on February 14, 2011, 11:11:59 PM
Hi - There is a sale of a piece of Studio Haus glass here it is nothing like yours but it did sell for $200 which is encouraging. Nice bowl and well made.
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: ardy on February 14, 2011, 11:22:40 PM
There was a Rosenthal Studio Haus in Copenhagen that dealt in quality art including murano glass. An outside chance but it could have been a piece they sold and engraved it.
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: TxSilver on February 14, 2011, 11:39:10 PM
Do you think it could be Zane, Martin? I don't know what his signature looks like, but Luca Zane does make glass in Murano.
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 14, 2011, 11:47:47 PM
@ flying free, I did have good ponder over wether its scavo or not,

I decided on "acid finish" as it doesn't have the texture I would expect from Scavo, I also crossed corroso of the list too,
I may well be incorrect, but the mixture of colours and the way they are dispersed led me to decide on acid finish.

The label mark was a small white bog standard paper label, probably the price in euros.
The vase was rather mucky and needed a good clean, what was left of the label wasn't worth messing about to save it.

@ Ardy, that's interesting, maybe it is the importers sig. shame that company has shut, no pics to look at. :cry:
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 14, 2011, 11:51:50 PM
Anita, you might have something there, the 1st letter could be an elaborate Z, and maybe what looks like U is an N.

Hmmm, we always want more signatures, but why can't they be nice simple clear ones  :chky:

I see Alex has some of his glass, maybe he will stop by and have a look 
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: TxSilver on February 15, 2011, 12:12:00 AM
The main trouble I was having was converting the last letter to an "e." It looks so much like an "s" to me.
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 15, 2011, 12:38:01 AM
yep, me too,

to be honest, i can see Ardy's suggestion too,  :huh:
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: TxSilver on February 15, 2011, 12:44:23 AM
Here is a thread on another group that has a similar signature. I re-read the thread and Zane was suggested, but no conclusion was drawn.
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 15, 2011, 01:10:14 AM
that is very similar,

I have found site selling a Luca Zane swan and is specified it was signed Luca Zane.
Presuming our beloved artist's keep the signature the same with all there pieces, maybe this 1 isn't a Zane.
I know all sorts do the signatures after production.  :thud:
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: kane_u_pain on February 15, 2011, 08:32:14 AM
Love the vase. The first pic is great. The bottom reminds me of a shot of earth from space. Some great colours to it. Can't help with the signature though. I am hopeless at reading cursive. I wish they would stop teaching people to write that way!
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: ardy on February 15, 2011, 11:24:49 AM
Saw another piece by Luca Zane and it has fantastic colours so maybe that is who made it.
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 15, 2011, 07:42:14 PM
its a shame, when I was cleaning it, when wet it looked fantastic,

thanks for all your thoughts  :hiclp:
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: Artofvenice on February 18, 2011, 10:43:22 PM
Dear Martin,
can you post a bigger picture of the signature?
This one is too small to read the name..


Alex (
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 19, 2011, 03:16:18 AM
Alex, this is the best 1 I have,

I know its not clear, even using a tripod I have a major case of the shakes,, bit of nerve damage,

if its no good I'll try again in a couple of days, it comes an go's, no rude comments from you lot  >:D

thanks Alex
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 19, 2011, 04:19:13 AM
another attempt,,  :ho:,

not a lot better,
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: ardy on February 19, 2011, 08:33:52 AM
Looks more like Faux Murano which is silly. It could have been some idiot on ebay in Europe engraving something on the bottom and here we are trying to ID it :phew:
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 19, 2011, 09:35:17 AM
Looks more like Faux Murano which is silly. It could have been some idiot on ebay in Europe engraving something on the bottom and here we are trying to ID it :phew:

haha ardy,  that would be hilarious  :24:
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: Carolyn Preston on February 19, 2011, 09:28:59 PM
I'm going with Jaus Murano. Does that make any sense?

Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: Artofvenice on February 20, 2011, 10:59:35 AM
I have asked to a friend of mine who sold so many "scavo" glassworks in the past. He was very specialized in this kind of product.
These the info I have:
First of all there were not so may producers in the last 10-15 years. THis at least officially, due to of pollution laws more stricht than in the past and very hard to be respected in old factories. May be somebody else produced them, but in a kind of "unformal" way (it means without to respect the anti-pollution rules and without to declare this production).
The main name is Rossi, who was not located in Murano, but in Venice historical center (! very strange !).
Than Luciano Gambaro, still producing in Murano.
Also Barbini had a more commercial (and cheaper) line approx 10 years ago; I bought some pieces from this company in 1999-2000.
So, on one of them can be "compatible" with this signature.
Therefore I have to came back to the first name of Zane (it really looks as Zane)....


Alex (
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 21, 2011, 12:29:25 PM
thanks Alex and Carolyn,

Looks like "Zane" is the most likely so far,
lots of good info. there Alex  :hiclp:,

And "flying free" was correct, it is scavo  :thud:

thanks for the contributions everyone  :chky:
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: tam bam on February 21, 2011, 04:18:11 PM
Alex is right, Sergio Rossi makes modern scavo pieces, but the type of scavo found on your vase is certainly not Rossi's scavo.  I have a piece of his scavo and yours looks nothing like his.  Here is a pic of the piece I have that is made of iridescent scavo by Sergio Rossi.

The signature does kind of look like it says "Zane", but I don't know enough about Zane Murano to know if it is or not.  Your vase is a tough one.

tam bam

Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: soledivo on February 21, 2011, 08:14:26 PM
THAT is what I expect scavo to loolk like,

beautiful piece tam  :thup:
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: antiquerose123 on February 21, 2011, 08:59:48 PM
No clue if this means anything or not -- just throwing it out there.   Here  ( is a piece of Glass Factory that is called ZANE ??????????  Just look at the pics, and read what is said.

not sure IF anything at, or helps at all -- just throwing it out there......That is it    :spls: :thud:
Title: Re: tall acid finish vase
Post by: tam bam on February 22, 2011, 02:18:54 PM
I saw that one too, Rose, the other day.  Andrea Tagliapietra for sure but I had no idea he worked for Zane.  There is a lot of unknowns about A. Tagliapietra.  He worked for so many companies and I am just starting to learn some of them.  Of course, I had no idea there was a company called Vetreria Tagliapietra & Barovier until I purchased a piece by them.

@ Martin - thanks for the compliment on my vase.  I purchased the vase when I very first met Anita on Ebay a few years ago. 

tam bam