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Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests => Glass => Unresolved Glass Queries => Topic started by: jakgene on July 20, 2011, 12:38:44 PM

Title: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: jakgene on July 20, 2011, 12:38:44 PM
I could not resist this and bought it a week or so ago - it just arrived today. It is 25 cm or approx 10 inches tall - (arranged as I have it - leaves and cherries are wired so they can be moved about to a certain extent so it could be taller  ;D) . and approx 20 cm or 8 inches wide.

Bought here in Australia, so given our migrant population it could have originated anywhere. It is from a deceased estate, is absolutely filthy -I can scrape muck off with a fingernail -  I will have to take a toothbrush to each leaf and cherry separately to get it clean I think - so has been standing somewhere for quite a long time. No markings anywhere that I can see.
Each leaf seems to be shaped individually - cannot see any two identical . Cherries look as if they have been made in a little mould - like sweets - but again each one is slightly different.
Base is not quite a perfect circle - looks hand made rather than perfectly moulded. The tree "trunk" is not centred perfectly either - the impressed circle with the raised dots is not quite in the centre of the green base .

I think it is gorgeous - whatever it is! But would love to know anything about it - age, origin, purpose!
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: jakgene on July 20, 2011, 12:39:54 PM
one more photo - base shot
Not much visible base wear
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: rosieposie on July 20, 2011, 02:09:45 PM
Well, that is fabulous Jak!!.....I have seen them with cherry blossom and in 'tubs' and even with the flowers and leaves made from semi precious stones, but I have never seen one quite like yours.  There is one on Worthpoint, that describes yours well,  but no picture.

I wonder if you contact them if they might be able to tell you more?
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: antiquerose123 on July 20, 2011, 03:21:28 PM
Nice item...  :thup: :thup:

Not sure if this is related or not, but I had a couple of these *types of items (never thought of posting them).    The ones I had - had a base pot.  We see a lot of these over here at Antiques shows.  So they are collectible.  I think I had one that had a gold oval label on it that just said *CHINA* on it.  

Here is an example (from Ebay) of the type that I had, and mean: (

It is called there (on Ebay) a Peking Glass Bonsai Tree, cherry Blossoms.

Again the ones that I have had have a base pot like in the picture from Ebay......Now yours might ???? be related to those types of designs, EXCEPT yours was done with a different type of base......or I guess it is possible that yours might have had a base that got broken and this is what the base looks like within ????? the pot.  Since the pot usually hides the bottom of the tree,  Hard to know what the bottom does  look like.

Either way, I believe yours in along this same idea just made maybe without a flower pot.  Again, see many of these at Antiques shows here (had a couple myself that I used outside on the patio table) and they are collectible.  The price in the Ebay ad of $59 for it -- would be about the same I see here at antiques shows.  They are nice, and when you move them (or the breeze hits them if used outside in a covered area) the Glass leaves make a nice *tinkle* sound as they lightly hit together.  Again I had used mine in the enclosed Gabazbo outside (as I did not want to weather them) but then they need no Sun to grow, and shade does not bother them -- so they made a nice *decorative item* (for me  ;D) to use outside......both of mine got sold by me because a lady saw them on my patio table and wanted them (badly) -- so I had sold mine.  

Gee, I had never though of posting those here   :thud: and DUH ...

Hope that helps some.....highly collectible around here, and again always at Antiques Shows.  So I think an older Import item from maybe the 70's era ???
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: jakgene on July 20, 2011, 04:35:23 PM
Thanks Rosie and Rose for your thoughts and comments

I have looked at the items you mentioned but don't think they are very similar. The description of how leaves etc are connected in the Worthpoint one is not anything like mine, and the one with flowers is altogether more delicate than this one I think. The trunk and stems on this are made of fairly thick wire wound round fully and thickly to give bark like texture with a black tape - almost plasticky like insulating tape  - they are not glass at all. The leaves and cherries both have the wire inserted in a loop quite deep into the glass - presumably when they were still molten?  It all looks original. In fact from the dirt ingrained on it I'd say it hasn't been touched for years!

I do not think it ever had a pot - the base width is appropriate to balance it as it is, and shows no marks of ever having been in a container. I have been cleaning it over the past hour or so and have discovered that the leaves and base are green glass, but that the cherries seem to be clear glass "painted" with red in some way rather than red glass all through - like the early ruby flashed or ruby stained  glasses I have seen. I have just been reading that Bohemian glassmakers used this staining technique in Europe in the early 20th century - so perhaps Bohemian?  Most migrants to Australia were from Europe rather than USA where I read that sort of glass was also popular. A new field for me !  The whole feel of it for me is more about 1930's to 50's or even earlier perhaps?  I have googled images and found several photos of one that matched exactly - then found they were from ebay from when I bought it a few weeks ago - so have found nothing else even remotely like it.  . It was inexpensive -  it is not about  the value - I just would like to know more about it. 
Thanks, JAK

Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: rosieposie on July 20, 2011, 04:58:45 PM
Hi again Jak,  I wonder if the fact that there is very little wear to the base, despite the obvious age, means that this was originally sunk into a pot?  I just thought that if at sometime, it had got knocked over and the pot broken, it would no longer be the item the original owner loved, so it might have got sold on or even thrown out and recovered by someone else, and so you are seeing it as it is now for the first time, but this might not be how it was originally. Just a thought....I think this is Oriental, older perhaps than I originally thought, but a nice piece that wold look lovely with some of my little glass animals round the base.

I'll keep looking anyway....'cos it is what I do!!
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: antiquerose123 on July 20, 2011, 08:25:19 PM
Hi Jakgene:

Having owned a couple different ones of these (and see them here at Shows) there were many different variation of *type* of flowers done, shapes, designs, and leaves on them.  Sorry I did not keep any pictures of mine as that was in the early days of collecting and not knowing how to load pics on the computer.  Having owned 2 (different) styles myself -- I would say that yours (IMHO) are in the same line.  One of my trees had like a resin type of trunk, and another had that plastic type of black tape on it too.  There are several variations (as with any glass) on flowers, leaves, buds, blossoms, bark texture, shape, and size. 

Again the leaves on mine *looked* exactly like the leaf you had posted here in your post -- Ohhhh, I wish I had kept pics of show you.

I verify believe that it is a older china import (that is not a bad thing) , but they are highly collectible as they are older, made of glass -- and have some great detail in them.  I have never seen one out of a Pot myself -- Lord know what the tree base looks like in the pot -- but I imagine there are variations to this (some in pot, some out of pot) just like some vases have legs, some have none -- some have 3 legs, and some have 5 legs.

What is important here more than the maker (and IMHO) why I believe they are so collectible -- is it is a form of Art that the China is known for producing that makes it collectible.  They would take time to make the glass items, and then to arrange them by hand  to form a tree, or plant of whatever design.

Just my 2 cents worth  ;D  and since everything is so much like the ones I held in my hands here, I am going by that......of course, Yes, do take my suggestion with a grain of salt. Lord knows, I have been wrong before....So just merely my suggestion as to maker.  That is all, just a suggestion

 :kissy:   :kissy:
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: Frank on July 20, 2011, 09:16:29 PM
Bohemian is most likely with 1900s to 50s possible, but look at the differences with a confirmed Czech set from the 50s I responded to the other day. I would likely date these earlier rather than later and your observations on the staining fit too. Almost certainly a homeworker lampwork piece.
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: rosieposie on July 20, 2011, 11:56:14 PM
Have a look at this one Jak....I think it is the same as yours?????  :X:
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: Frank on July 21, 2011, 01:04:33 AM
I don't agree rosie, there are a lot of similarities but also fundamental differences. Trouble with this type of thing is it could have been made anywhere with limited facilities.
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: rosieposie on July 21, 2011, 01:18:44 AM
The moulding on the little pimples are so similar Frank....I really think there are too many similarities to dismiss it yet. 
It might be worth you buying this one Jak just so you can get your hands on it to see the label and compare isn't too expensive.
What do you think?
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: jakgene on July 21, 2011, 01:23:28 AM
Thanks for the comments Frank, Rosie and Rose.

Rose - I really don't think it has ever been in a pot - just wouldn't be balanced properly. I have seen lots of those little trees in pots but this one is much more substantial than those.

Rosie, thanks,  the link you sent is very similar - base is identical in shape and the way it is made - leaves and fruit and trunk also very similar. I have emailed the seller to see if they know anything about age and to ask for a view of the label.

Frank - I would be interested to know what differences you see between the one in Rosie's link and mine? Cannot tell of course whether that one is stained or coloured glass. And I think you are spot on with the home lampworker idea.  Amazing to think someone made each separate leaf and shaped it individually !
Still curious as to what it is for ? A table centrepiece perhaps? or just an ornament?  I can see me putting it on the Christmas table with my green stemmed wine glasses :D
Thanks everyone for your interest . JAK
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: jakgene on July 21, 2011, 01:29:15 AM
Sorry Rosie - our postings overlapped. - Would buy the other one except for postage costs - a killer given where I live!  I just hope the seller will respond to my questions.
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: rosieposie on July 21, 2011, 01:32:58 AM
Hi Jak (Oh goodness, that's as bad as saying Hi Jean to my friend!!) You're up early and I'm up late....2.25am.....just got carried away with this search!
I agree the similarities are too great to dismiss....
It would seem that these pieces that are made in the Philippines are feng shui pieces and different blossoms, fruits and the like are to invoke different luck into the home.  I am trying to find out more, but it would seem that red is auspicious in a home, and some had glass coins attached to bring wealth into the house.......interesting..........I must get off to bed now,  but will carry on looking over the next few days...OK?
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: jakgene on July 21, 2011, 01:35:11 AM
Thanks Rosie - your efforts are appreciated - I am not up early - 9.30 am here - it is my day off so being lazy ! Sleep well.
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: rosieposie on July 21, 2011, 08:25:46 AM
G'day is just about 9.30am  here now!!  Did you have any more luck in your must be about Tea time for you now?? :t:
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: Frank on July 21, 2011, 08:41:06 AM
The leaves would be made with something like a button mould, there is a description on the board somewhere.
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: jakgene on July 21, 2011, 09:23:12 AM
Thanks Frank - I found the link to the  "Schmiedeeiserne Knopfzange mit Mechanismus für das Knopfloch"  Very interesting to see.
And Morning, Rosie - yes it is tea time here now (5.20 pm as I write this - I think we are 7 hours ahead of you in the UK at present. We don't change our clocks here in Western Australia so we are either 8 hrs or 7 hrs ahead of you depending on the season. I always have to think before I phone my sisters over there) - just got back from food shopping.

Haven't been on the computer all day have been busy so might trawl again this evening after tea is cooked.  I do think the one made in the Philippines is very close to mine though.

I feel sad for the poor outworkers who made this though - sounds like slave labour, high risk work and I expect very little reward. Whether it was Bohemia or the Philippines makes no difference. 

Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: rosieposie on July 21, 2011, 09:49:14 AM
This interesting link confirms Franks description and so I thought you might like to see it.
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: Frank on July 23, 2011, 12:38:44 AM
If you can read German, and subscribe  ;) which helps the effort, you can read a detailed account of the conditions of the Czech glass workers... chilling reading.
Title: Re: What have I bought? Glass Cherry Tree - what is it for & where is it from?
Post by: jakgene on July 23, 2011, 02:24:24 AM
thanks for the offer Frank, but sadly I doubt my schooldays German from 50 years ago would suffice.



NB have had no reply from the seller of the similar item in the US.