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Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests => Glass => Topic started by: obscurities on April 08, 2013, 08:24:41 PM

Title: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: obscurities on April 08, 2013, 08:24:41 PM
I apologize for the image quality but I am helping out a friend and the pics were in a crowded basement. Both pieces are around 7 inches tall or so and are mold blown with ground rims. The quality of the enamel work appears to me to be quite good and it is very thick. The flowers are actually a very nice pink....  not shown well in the pics.....

I have seen this work before but can not place it for sure. I generally do not do much with enamel work.  Legras, Mont Joye, Bohemian....  ???  got me...

TIA for any help and opinions.....

Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: flying free on April 08, 2013, 08:31:05 PM
are the rims polished or just left ground?
I'm not too keen on the enamelling, it might just be the photos but there doesn't seem to be much detail on the leaves and flowers... they look a a little 'flat'.
I would have said Bohemian but I've also seen some vases recently that were iridescent enamelled and were vintage Russian.  I didn't think they were the highest quality.

I'll probably be totally wrong and they'll turn out to be something exciting but they don't make me think of a particular maker at all.
Title: Re: Enameled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: obscurities on April 08, 2013, 08:52:06 PM
The rims are polished and then gilt. The flowers are actually detailed and quite 3 dimensional for enameling. I had to use a flash to even get the pics so these are not really great images and not indicative of the quality....  was hoping someone would recognize the decor of the enamel more than anything....  the glass is also quite a bit higher quality than the thin green I generally associate with mass production cheap enamel work. 

But like I said..... enamel work is not my thing.... I own 1 piece.... I display it with the enamel work to the back because the glass is nice...  :-) 

Certainly not meant to insult anyone that does collect it....   ;D  Just not me....

Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: flying free on April 08, 2013, 08:55:19 PM
 ;D  I have lots of it... love it.
ok, so it's the flash that has deadened the enamel work then.

mmm, I'll have a look round and come back if anything looks familiar.
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: obscurities on April 08, 2013, 09:06:31 PM
I know you do....  hence my comment meant to get me out of any potential hot water....   :o

There are actually several shades of pink in the flowers that bring them to life....  and the flash killed them....

Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: flying free on April 08, 2013, 09:44:37 PM
this seller seems to have a  few similar all attributed to Legras... but I don't know if that is the case, just pointing out the similarities.
Did yours look like this without flash?
I'll keep looking.
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: obscurities on April 08, 2013, 10:04:25 PM
I do not trust that sellers attributions at all. She is the wife of the "pair" on CW. We had an "exchange" with the husband the other day.  That pedestal in the pic is her trademark.....   

Actually, if she says Legras, I would be inclined to move them near the bottom of the list, if not completely off....    :-) 

Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: flying free on April 08, 2013, 10:08:00 PM
 do your vases look quite similar to those then? without the flash - the colour of the iridescent green and the enamelling I mean?
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: obscurities on April 08, 2013, 10:11:50 PM
Yes, but the vases I am trying to ID are higher quality enamel than those. For example, in some of those images the leaves look to have a pronounced outline with a more shallow fill in the center. The leaves on the ones I took pics of are quite a bit thicker enamel work all over....  but the overall decor looks similar....  they are likely impossible to actually ID....
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: flying free on April 08, 2013, 10:39:16 PM
Poschinger was the only other maker I could think of but to be honest I'm not sure the colour or the rim finish would make me look at Poschinger, Legras or Mont Joye first... but as I say, my knowledge is seriously limited.  The decor is not the kind I collect.
Sorry not to be of more help.
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: obscurities on April 08, 2013, 11:21:06 PM
No apologies necessary.....   Thanks for trying...

Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: keith on April 08, 2013, 11:44:32 PM
I'd also like to find out where they are from as I have a couple similar,the one on the right has a darker body colour and moulded base the other a polished pontil mark, ;D
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: Ivo on April 09, 2013, 06:27:14 AM
I can throw in another confusable. Many years ago there was a category known as Faux Cameo - which included thick enameling. I haven't seen the term for years, and it seems to have gone under in a flurry of search engines.

p.s. I thought Pantin, Mont Joye and Legras were one and the same thing?
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: flying free on April 09, 2013, 08:02:26 AM
You're right Ivo, sorry, I was just separating them in typing, because so many vases in the USA appear to have the Mont Joye mark on them.
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: flying free on April 09, 2013, 04:28:38 PM
ok this is not the same exactly and it's difficult to tell from the catalogue but check out the enamel decoration on  Krug and Mundt 1906 Leipzig  pattern no 1481 an d 1482.  Still searching  :)

Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: Lustrousstone on April 09, 2013, 05:24:29 PM
Krug & Mundt were wholesalers, not manufacturers though
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: flying free on April 09, 2013, 05:51:00 PM
mmm, that does put a different slant on it.  I still wonder if these are German not Czech or French.  I think there was a strong glass tradition around Weiswasser for example, which rarely gets considered (well rarely by me, as I always forget there's a world beyond French and Bohemian art nouveau era glass) and there are less well known makers that don't get mentioned. 
Title: Re: Enamelled pieces for ID.... French, Bohemian? Help!!
Post by: flying free on April 27, 2013, 10:45:05 PM
this one has what looks to be a similar type of enamelling on it and has been id as Carl Goldberg?  I've not checked to see if that is correct or  in any of my books but just throwing it in for comparison.