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Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. => France => Topic started by: SteveG787 on November 09, 2015, 04:56:08 PM

Title: Schneider vase - Opinions/Info request
Post by: SteveG787 on November 09, 2015, 04:56:08 PM
I have recently acquired an unusual Schneider vase and am looking for learned opinions on it.

While I am happy that the glass part is Schneider (althought it is not signed anywhere) I am less sure about the base. It is wrought iron and has a good age but whether it is original or a sympathetic repair I am not sure. The only access I have to information on Schneider glass is online and so far I haven't been able to find anything like it except a slightly different shape vase that had a circular glass foot with no metal.

Please chip in with any opinions, I am happy with it anyway it is a beautiful thing.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Schneider vase - Opinions/Info request
Post by: Wuff on November 10, 2015, 11:37:46 AM
The design is (not surprisingly) called "Fuchsias" - according to the Schneider book (by Joulin & Maier) produced 1924-1927. The book also shows a few (well - very few) items with metal footing - but no amphora-like vase like yours. This may not mean much, as the book concentrates on the designs, and only shows a few shapes for most designs.

On the other hand: my Schneider vases are signed on the (glass) foot - so the fact that there is no signature on the body may indicate the (signed) glass foot is missing ???.
Title: Re: Schneider vase - Opinions/Info request
Post by: SteveG787 on November 12, 2015, 05:01:31 PM
Thanks Wuff,

I came to the same conclusion but thought I'd see if anybody on here had seen anything like it. I know from other areas I'm more familiar with that I see stuff that doesn't appear on the internet anywhere so it was worth asking.
Title: Re: Schneider vase - Opinions/Info request
Post by: KevinH on November 12, 2015, 10:36:12 PM
Not an area for which I have much experience.

However, in Edith Mannoni's book on Schneider glass, "amphora" type vases with "wrought iron stands" are illustrated but they are shorter and wider in the shoulder than the one posted here.  Also, the metal work appears to be well designed to highlight the vase shape and give a very balanced look to the whole. The queried item seems to me to be quite unbalanced in its tripod setting.

Of the vases in the book that are similar in shape to the one posted, they all (or most) show a large, but well-balanced, low knop either at the top of a stem with foot or a stem fitted into a tripod stand and with the knop sitting just above the centre of the metal fitting. The lack of knop on the posted vase appears out of keeping with those in the book.

So, yes, I would also think it is a "sympathetic repair".