Glass Message Board

Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. => Scandinavian Glass => Topic started by: catshome on June 12, 2019, 05:38:47 PM

Title: Lucifer DeLight candle holder - for reference - Maleras, Sweden
Post by: catshome on June 12, 2019, 05:38:47 PM
I am posting this as I had a bit of trouble identifying it as "Lucifer", even though it has a label.  Other models in the DeLight, tealight holder, range seem to come up more often.  Designed by Mats Jonasson.

Title: Re: Lucifer DeLight candle holder - for reference - Maleras, Sweden
Post by: BlueOctopus on November 01, 2019, 07:53:23 PM
Hello Cat. I have a Maleras catalogue from 2017. This Lucifer is not in, BUT I was there and spend hours and hours. there where a lot more designs which don‘t come up in the catalogue, and yes Lucifer is not so well bought as other designs...gues why

But don‘t be in doubt, this is a Maleras design by Mats Jonason. We should spend some days together in the glasriket, getting religios about glass... if we are  not jet and spend an awful lot of money.

I have a quit similar candle holder with Poseidon or if you want Neptun....this is my birthday sign

Love Swedish glass, in the theme show me yours..... I will show you why

And by the way, I think when you come to Kosta directly with your Anna Ehrner Problem, they will repair it for you, it is worth it
Title: Re: Lucifer DeLight candle holder - for reference - Maleras, Sweden
Post by: catshome on February 15, 2020, 02:39:13 PM
Hi Monika,

I have only just seen your reply to this thread - Thank you for all the information.  I would absolutely LOVE to go glass shopping with you!  Maybe one day I will bring the Kosta piece for repair.  I will contact them and see if this is possible.

Best wishes