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Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests => Glass Paperweights => Topic started by: Tigerchips on November 11, 2006, 07:46:23 PM

Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Tigerchips on November 11, 2006, 07:46:23 PM
It's just that I spotted a cane paperweight in a second hand shop but I thought it might not be a paperweight since it was approx 1cm diameter. It would blow out the window at that size. lol.

I thought it might have become loose from a piece of jewellery as it was in a jewellery box. Perhaps part of a ring as it was very much scratched on the top.
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: glasstrufflehunter on November 11, 2006, 08:11:41 PM
I think your guesses are very good ones. The scratching on the top would have led me to the same conclusion. A lot of paperweight makers made 'paperweight' jewelry.

Do you have a picture?
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Leni on November 11, 2006, 08:12:59 PM
The one you describe might well have been from a piece of jewellery, Tony, but Peter McDougall's son Alan makes miniature 'doll's house' paperweights which are 1cm in diameter.  You can see them on Steve & Peggy Burke's website, here  (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
Title: very tiny
Post by: wrightoutlook on November 11, 2006, 08:49:17 PM
In some shops on Murano (Venice, Italy), you can purchase very tiny paperweights, about 1/2 inch across.

Canadian glass artist John Gooderham is famous for his doll house paperweights and lampwork paperweight buttons. The image below is of his button paperweight from my collection of weights. The piece measures approximately 8/16 of an inch across. It even has his signature "J" in it.
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Tigerchips on November 11, 2006, 09:23:30 PM
Thanks, I'll try to purchase it on Monday if it's still there. It's currently sitting at the bottom of one of the jewellery boxes in a shop.

One of the reasons I didn't buy it was because the top was so scratched that I couldn't see the canes. It'll be interesting to find out what it is.

With any look, the glass might become clearer if I apply a bit of oil over the top.  :)
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Frank on November 11, 2006, 11:06:54 PM
Paul Ysart stones

Of course the art was continued at Caithness LINK ( by Peter Holmes and many others since.

PY ones sell at £30 - £50 a piece.
Title: Miniature paperweights
Post by: daveweight on November 11, 2006, 11:45:08 PM
Miniature - sometimes known as Dolls House - paperweights have been around for a while and the Master of these is John Gooderham of Ontario Canada who makes some beautiful small weights which are facetted by Ed Poore who works for the likes of Stankard, Ayotte and Trabucco. For those of you who aren't aware Peter McDougall also makes these miniatures - see the attached pictures. The first shows three of Peters weights, one is facetted. The second picture shows two John gooderham weights - note the 9ct gold dragonfly encased in a double overlay
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Tigerchips on November 13, 2006, 07:06:50 PM
Here it is.  :)

Upside down view

I'm afraid that's about as close as I can get to it with my camera.

It looks as though the cog canes have tiny little canes or bubbles in the middle of them. The centre one looks concentric. I need a monacle or something.

My previous measurement was a little off. It's actually half an inch diameter.  :oops:
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Frank on November 13, 2006, 11:09:40 PM
Looks Caithness, can't see well enough to say of PY or not.
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: KevinH on November 13, 2006, 11:12:29 PM
I can't be certain, but I think it's a Peter Holmes' "stone" as used in Caithness Jewellery (continuing the Paul Ysart theme).

It might be a Paul Ysart "stone" but I don't recognise that shade of green in the centre. (Actually, there's probably lots of shades of colour that I don't recognise in Paul Ysart canes!)
Title: welcome to the
Post by: myweights on November 14, 2006, 05:31:03 AM
I agree with wrightoutlook on that other possibilty...
Mark E.
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: mjr on November 14, 2006, 08:59:12 AM
Agree with Frank and Kev - definitely Caithness.  It is the sort of stone that was created by Paul Ysart and then Peter Holmes in the 1970s fo go in the various jewellery - (see Franks site for good examples). The fact that it is battered would indicate that it had come out of a piece of jewellery. There are stones about that have not been used in jewellery. When the Northern Paperweight Society was given a talk by one of the Caithness artists they brought a couple of bags of loose stones.
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Tigerchips on November 14, 2006, 01:39:16 PM
Here are some closer pictures through a magifying lens. The pictures are not as sharp as I would have liked them.  :(

I did guess that it might be Caithness when I first saw it as I once had something similar that was mounted on a Caithness letter opener.
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: KevinH on November 14, 2006, 05:08:46 PM
The central clusters of rods within each main cane strongly suggest that this is a Paul Ysart "stone".
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: ALLAN on November 16, 2006, 09:10:29 PM
Hi ,just thought I would post a few images of "Doll's house" weights that I made way back when I worked at Perthshire Paperweights.They range from about 5mm to 20mm in diameter.
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Leni on November 16, 2006, 10:37:41 PM
Allan, those are STUNNING[/b] :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

You are unbelievably talented!   :D  

And, erm, if you ever want to sell any of those .......  :twisted:  :wink:
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: ALLAN on November 17, 2006, 05:02:17 PM
Thanks,but they all belong in my mothers collection as far as selling them goes(so no chance). :lol:
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Leni on November 17, 2006, 05:25:13 PM
Ahhhh!  I wouldn't  part with any of the things my sons have made, either.  (Even though they're just school-made pottery and woodwork!  :wink:  :lol: )
But your mum must be very proud!  She has every reason to be!  :D
Title: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: glasstrufflehunter on November 17, 2006, 06:09:42 PM
Those are gorgeous Allan!
Title: Dolls house weights
Post by: ALLAN on January 20, 2008, 10:27:13 AM
   I was intending to add these pics into a thread from a while back that mentioned "Dolls house" weights but I can't seem to find it again,so if you can find it Frank maybe you could transfer this post to it so that they are all together.The weights are both just under a 1/2 inch diameter.The good close ups are done by Daveweight who I gave them to.



Thanks :)
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: karelm on January 22, 2008, 05:59:29 PM
Could Allan's pics please be placed (with his permission of course) in the gallery?  On photobucket they are going to go pop and I believe we should try to keep those pics....and an added bonus are the weights in the background! (All of them are just stunning!)
Kind regards
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Frank on January 22, 2008, 06:07:47 PM
I already have these and they will go on Scotland's Glass in time.
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: ALLAN on January 25, 2008, 05:50:28 PM
Thanks for doing that Frank and of course the pics can go to the gallery if people would like them to. :)
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Anne on January 25, 2008, 06:45:06 PM
Allan thank you for your permission to add them to the Gallery - I've put them here:
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: karelm on January 26, 2008, 06:19:27 AM
In some of the photo's one can see the stands that you use.  They look like white coated metal with rubber feet, are these freely available in the UK? or where do they come from?
kind regards,
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: ALLAN on January 26, 2008, 10:44:45 PM
Hi Karel,
          The stands were aquired by my Dad at the time(late 70s/early 80s) and they are indeed plastic coated wire with rubber ends.If I remember they were actually made by a friend of his for him and my Mum  to display the weights I gave them.
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Angela B on January 28, 2008, 04:30:00 AM
These two were sold as tiny paperweights made by Craig Deacons just recently (sold by Peggy Burke to a collector in New Zealand).
I was amazed to realise they could be so small. The coin is about 2cm across.
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: rsts on February 17, 2008, 01:33:06 AM
I saw this post awhile back and have finally gotten some photos to share. The paperweights range in size from 5/16" (Kaziun butterfly) to 1 11/16" for the John Gooderham gingham cut basket.  Represented are weights by John Gooderham, Charles Kaziun, Thura Erickson, Winfield Rutter, Mike Edmondson, Perthshire (2 'S' canes), Caithness, Ray Banford, Francis Weinman (the cuff links and stud, ca. 1900), Lowell Calkin, Pete Lewis, and a couple unknowns. I hope you enjoy them.  I will be glad to answer any questions.

Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Derek on February 18, 2008, 12:44:40 PM
Hi All

Just received a sub miniature paperweight from the USA ..

It is a closepack with 24 canes + signature cane on the base - and just 10mm diameter !!!
It was made by Mary Gaumond - can anyone beat this for miniaturisation ??

Best regards Derek
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Frank on February 18, 2008, 12:47:22 PM
That is cool.

PY's were around ½" 12.5mm on average
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Derek on February 18, 2008, 12:59:20 PM
Hi Frank

I thought that the PY stones were slices of a large complex cane that then had a dome added - the one I showed was made in the normal way - IE 24 individual canes picked up !!

Best regards

Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Frank on February 18, 2008, 02:20:35 PM
Certainly seems that way, but I don't know for sure.
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Frank on May 09, 2008, 06:30:44 PM
From Allan, some more doll's house weights that he made at Northland's for the Wheaton event.

copyright 2008 Allan Scott.
Title: Re: How small can a paperweight be?
Post by: Leni on May 09, 2008, 07:12:30 PM
Oooh!  He's a clever man!  :hiclp: