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Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests => Glass => Topic started by: Cathy B on December 17, 2006, 11:58:56 AM

Title: Churchill ashtray with Aus red ensign flag
Post by: Cathy B on December 17, 2006, 11:58:56 AM
This is really for Glen, who is interested in political memorabilia, but also for Chris Stewart and the other pressed glass enthusiasts.

This is one of my favourite pieces -

The shape of the ashtray appears in the Crown Crystal pre-war catalogues, and I'm guessing that this one is probably Australian made - but can't guarantee it. I'm wondering, has anyone ever seen anything like it, attributable to someone else? I'm wondering whether Chris Stewart might have seen it in the Davidson catalogues somewhere?

Oh, the words say; "We can take it" and "Come then, let us to the task!"

Title: Re: Churchill ashtray with Aus red ensign flag
Post by: Glen on December 17, 2006, 12:13:48 PM
Cathy - it's amazing. Truly splendid. I don't think I have seen anything quite like it before. I'll follow this thread with great interest.

It's a wonderful piece!

Title: Re: Churchill ashtray with Aus red ensign flag
Post by: Heidimin on December 17, 2006, 05:04:24 PM
What a great piece, Cathy! Wasn't "Britain can take it" a slogan during the Blitz?
I'm guessing that the three thumbs-ups represent the three services (navy, army and air force)?

Here's another one for Glen plus the slumped glass enthusiasts, a little Hauz Art pin dish showing the United Nations building in New York - I'd guess 50s or 60s: (

It reads:

"They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war any more."

Makes me feel sad inside, but also kind of inspired.
Title: Re: Churchill ashtray with Aus red ensign flag
Post by: Cathy B on December 17, 2006, 09:31:02 PM
Hi Heidi,

Yes, the three hands have Army, Navy and Air Force uniforms.

It is sad, really. I find myself nostalgic for the more progressive Australia of the 1980s, when arts were funded, refugees accepted, and it looked like things could only get better. Oh well, enough wibble from me :)
Title: Re: Churchill ashtray with Aus red ensign flag
Post by: Glen on December 18, 2006, 08:13:52 AM
Heidi - many thanks for showing us that pin dish. (Apologies - I'm suffering from a head cold and lack of sleep at the moment, which is making my head a bit fuzzy, otherwise I would try and write a little bit more than I have. What I'm really trying to say is - thank you).
