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Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests => Glass => Unresolved Glass Queries => Topic started by: Pip on January 27, 2007, 04:12:00 PM

Title: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Pip on January 27, 2007, 04:12:00 PM
OK the situation is I've got this vase (links to photographs below) - I've got it on my website as being by Elme Glasbruk - this identification was reached by looking at a similar vases listed on eBay by reliable sources (one of which was Vidfletch) and from various postings on here who all indicated that these types of vases were by Elme.  Now the problem is I have a customer who is a major glass collector - if you've ever been outbid on eBay for Holmegaard Carnaby glass (as I have in the past) it's almost certainly by this person who has an impressive collection that would rival most museums - his knowledge also is second to none.  He wants this particular vase and has bought several smaller versions of this on eBay all attributed as Murano and he is fairly certain I'm wrong in my Elme attribution and that these are in fact Murano.  I'll be delivering the vase to him (he lives locally to me) in a week or so and he's offered to show me both his Elme and Murano collections so I can see for myself.  I've told him I'd be delighted and that in the meantime I would post this vase up on here and see what everyone says ... Any help at all in nailing this would be very much appreciated. TIA
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Sue C on January 27, 2007, 04:47:53 PM
Hi Pip, if you go to they have an Elme Glasbruk similar colour with a lable, it is a dutch site so maybe some one can help with translation.
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Ivo on January 27, 2007, 04:54:04 PM
The site is in Swedish and the label is pretty convincing - good sleuthing, Dexter!
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Pip on January 27, 2007, 04:58:42 PM
Well done Sue - you're a star when it comes to sniffing things out! It's very similar to mine I think - the other ones I've seen attributed to Elme were like this one but also with a white neck like mine. 
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Pinkspoons on January 27, 2007, 05:02:39 PM
I have a lamp-base in an identical pattern (to the one one the site) with a 'Made in Sweden' label and have always considered it to be Elme.

The finish and colouring of it is spot-on for your vase, Pip, so I'm convinced you're correct.

I think I know which buyer you mean - he's outbid me, and bought from me in the past. I didn't realise he was a collector, though - with the amount he bought, I always assumed high-end dealer.  :o
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Pip on January 27, 2007, 05:09:46 PM
Cheers for that Nic - much appreciated.  I'm going to give a link to this topic to my buyer so won't identify him on here but with your interest in Holmegaard I'm sure your paths would definitely have crossed at some point.
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: vidrioguapo on January 27, 2007, 05:29:45 PM
Hi.  I've had this one for ages and currently it is packed away. Often wondered what it is.  Think it is about 9 - 10 inches tall from memory, and it looks similar to yours Pip - what does everyone think?

Hope this photo link works. 


PS The colours are also very similar to the Elme Peacock Range -I have a couple of these.

Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Tigerchips on January 27, 2007, 08:40:02 PM
Let's not forget Empoli, yes/no?
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Pip on January 27, 2007, 09:34:56 PM
Well this is the point TC - these have been ID'd on here and on other reputable sites  as Elme - my customer is saying Italian (whether specifically Murano or Empoli is irrelevant) and I'm suggesting that the original Elme, Swedish ID is correct.  Emmi's looks too similar to mine to not be by the same maker - have you compared the feel and finish of this one to the 'peacock' vase you have Emmi?
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Pinkspoons on January 27, 2007, 09:58:45 PM
It's probably just be the way that the colours are coming out on my monitor, but Emmi's vase looks very different to yours, Pip, in that respect. Yours is a lot more vibrant and closer to the Elme pieces I have / have had.  ???

Saying that, just going on the peacock vases/lamps alone, Elme were quite variable in the boldness of design and colouring of their decoration - ranging from 'wow' to wishy-washy.
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Pip on January 27, 2007, 10:09:59 PM
I think that the reason Emmi's vase and mine look different with regard to the vibrancy of the colours is down to the lighting - my vase was photographed under bright lights whereas Emmi's photo looks like it was taken in daylight.  My vase is definitely very true to the photograph - it's extremely bright and lairy  ;D  I think we're safe in saying that we all pretty much agree that the peacock vases were definitely Elme - how safe therefore is it to say that my vase and Emmi's with the white necks and slanted striping across the body are also Elme based purely on the colour and finish?
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: vidrioguapo on January 27, 2007, 10:32:16 PM
Mine is very crisp and vibrant photo is rubbish taken without too much care when I first got my camera 2 years ago, just for my personal records and not for selling purposes.  Can't do a new one as it is not to hand, but have just washed the Peacock and from memory, the two have practically identical orange colours.  My vase similar to Pip's under discussion has quite a high shine, very smooth finish, feels "cold" to the touch, if you know what I mean, and I would agree they appear to be by the same maker.  What more can I say?  Emmi

PS When I purchased this vase, I thought it may be Italian!!!!! But never thought to try to get an attribution as I just liked it for what it is.
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: vidrioguapo on February 06, 2007, 06:37:33 PM
Pip, did you come to a conclusion on this vase? I'd be interested to know.  Emmi
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Pip on February 06, 2007, 06:47:40 PM
Well Emmi, I'm pretty certain based on what I've seen on eBay, on other websites and what's been said on here and who has said it that both our vases are Elme. I relayed this information to my buyer but he's still not at all convinced and when I pointed him in the direction of the one with the label that Sue posted the link for I was disappointed that he thinks the label has been affixed and isn't correct!  The buyer is a serious collector and I wouldn't like to just dismiss his viewpoint - I've given him the link to this discussion hoping he'll join up and get stuck into the debate but I think he's away at the moment.  Anyway, to answer your question - no I'm none the wiser really!
Title: Re: Elme or Murano - can you help?
Post by: Pinkspoons on February 07, 2007, 06:23:31 PM
I've seen a fair few of the 'peacock' patterned range with either Elme or 'Made In Sweden' labels, including my own piece.

Several instances of unrelated sellers in more than one country passing off the same design with erroniously attached labels from a relatively unknown glassworks isn't terribly likely in my opinion... for what it's worth.

I hope he joins in the tussle too, though.  :)