Do we have any Russian speakers here? I was recently informed about a Luxfer entry at the
Russian National Library and I'd like to add it to my online library, but have a couple questions.
First, the catalog has the title
"Луксфер", хрустальные призмы для внесения дневного света в темные, глубокие помещения, и "электро-стекло", отличающееся высшей огнеупорностью : Практ. руководство для г. г. зодчих, инженеров и техников
which translated is
"Luxfer", crystal prisms for bringing daylight into dark, deep rooms, and "electric glass", characterized by the highest fire resistance: Practical guide for architects, engineers and technicians
but I'm trying to come up with a succinct title for my online library. There is an English
Pocket Hand-Book of
Electro-Glazed Luxfer Prisms so maybe just
Electro-Glazed Luxfer Prisms? Is that what's meant by "electric glass"?
Second, who's the author? I know there was a Russian branch of Luxfer but the author is listed as Sigismund Maximilianovich Lindner (S. M. Lindner). I can't see anything on the front cover (shown below) or title page or anywhere else that gives the name of the Russian Luxfer company. This is the only catalog entry at the RNL for Lindner.