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Author Topic: Rough impressions of glass for sale in Prague  (Read 819 times)

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Offline Bernard C

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Rough impressions of glass for sale in Prague
« on: November 26, 2008, 05:41:51 AM »
Last week Janet and I were on a short off-season break in Prague.   Delightful city — will go again.

First impressions were of the tourist shops, full of crap Russian dolls, crap crystal, crap cut crystal, and crap crap, much like anywhere touristy.   After a while you learn to ignore them, and they disappear.

Next we noticed the antique shops.   Generally quite expensive, usually offering a small selection of WMF and chunky old cut glass tumblers / rummers.   Vaseline glass collectors could do very well.   We found one proper junk shop, on the west bank near the funicular railway terminus, where I nearly bought a pair of insulators for our member in Yreka, and I watched the dealer buying a rather fine old Stourbridge? cut ewer, which disappeared out the back not to re-emerge.

Finally, proper studio and modern hand made glass.   There was a frighteningly expensive looking gallery facing the river behind the Slavia café and restaurant opposite the National Theatre.   We didn't have the courage to go in, so we just peered through the windows!   We found two or three useful looking galleries in the old town.   The best we found was a small gallery on the west bank over the Charles pedestrian-only bridge, near the square with an intriguing tram and traffic problem, where northbound traffic does a dodgems act and southbound has to go round the back.   Uninspiringly called "Bohemia Crystal — Art Gallery", it was staffed by a charming young lady, who, I think, took pity on me, and is located at Mosteká 48/14, with an email address bohemiancrystal AT, but no website.   Certainly worth a look if you're in the locality.

We weren't really there to buy glass, so these are just impressions, and by no means comprehensive.

Bernard C.  8)
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Offline pamela

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Re: Rough impressions of glass for sale in Prague
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 06:28:40 PM »
Thank you Janet and Bernard! During your next life you should act as travel guides! :hiclp:
Unfortunately we have not been to Prague so far - but it's on the list  8)
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