Hi everyone,
Had a nice find in a charity shop today. Was looking for glass, any glass which I could use as votives or tealight holders. Happened to see what looked like icicle encrusted glasses come candle holders, all in excellent condition, retro looking, and ideal for the intended use, bargain at 50p each. Didn't really want 6 but as it was for charity..... had all 6. At home displayed them on the xmas themed kitchen window, and mantel with a tealight in, but couldn't find the matches! - wanted to see the effect.
Mike came in, and has banned me from using them for anything, most definately as votives!!!
He seems to think they are T.S.? can't see any initials. Measure fraction over 7cms diameter, height 11cms, circumference 10.5inches, weight approx 326g. Our limited collection of books don't cover much of his work, and wondered if any of you lovely people have any info.
All in all a rather pleasant mornings work, and I have earned mega brownie points if they are indeed what we think.........
Gallery link :-
http://glassgallery.yobunny.org.uk/displayimage.php?pos=-11174Hope you like them too, Sharron